By Jennifer Elizabeth Masters
We can be touchy and reactive when we hold onto our emotions. We cry for example, to relieve stress and pressure that builds inside us from break-ups, difficult life events, grief, sadness and upset. When our emotions are stuffed inside of us we become reactive. We cannot take the slightest recommendation or suggestion without being reactive – like the desert.
We have prickly plants and trees here, like the Joshua tree for example. It is only found in the Mojave desert (pronounced Mohave). If you leaned against one of these babies, you could be seriously hurt. I liken the Joshua trees to us when we lash out at someone when they corrects us, or suggest another way.
Having to be right all the time, can cause you to lose friends and lovers. This need comes from your ego. When your ego runs the show, you will not fare well in relationships.
T. Harve Ecker, of the Millionaire Mind fame, used to say, would you rather be right, or would you rather be rich? I say, would you rather be right, or would you rather be loved? Being right can make you a very lonely person. You become very prickly and people don’t want to lean up against you, or be with you. Bitchy, prickly, same thing.
Even the weeds in the desert have thorns on them. These thorns fall off to procreate the plant, so that it doesn’t die out. The thorns are called goat’s heads. We get them in our feet when we walk around barefoot.
When we are touchy and reactive, we are coming from our ego and our pain. We are not connected to our hearts. We can be very lonely in this place of being a victim, feeling that everyone is out to get us, or hurt us. It is simply not true. It just appears that way to us, because all we can see is pain.
When we are hurt and don’t heal from it, we carry this pain into everything we do. Pain is what colors our world. It is all the same, everywhere we turn, like the desert. As far as the eye can see, it is colorless, empty, remote. Just like us.
The wind picks up here, causing change, turbulence, dust storms and vortexes of sand in the updrafts. You can’t see when the dust and sand is flying in the air. It blurs our vision. Just as our pain blurs our vision. When we hang onto our pain, it defines us. Yet this is false. It is not true, we just think it is.
There is beauty here, but it is often fleeting, disguised or hidden. It is not seen often. When we are bitchy, reactive and thorny we make it difficult for others to see our beauty. We disguise our softness under our suffering and pain. As things begin to change, we often hang on, to the past, not wanting to move forward. We act out of fear of the unknown. Our resistance to change causes us to suffer even more. What we don’t recognize in our pain is that we don’t have to suffer, all we have to do is let go, forgive and move forward into the wind.
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