By Jennifer Elizabeth Masters
Interested in hearing who Jennifer is on the air? Join her this Friday at 1:00 PM EST and 10:00 AM PST as Hollis Chapman, author of the book Pursue Your Passion interviews Jennifer about her forthcoming book: Orgasm For Life.

Fear is absence of faith. We often control our loved ones. Controlling others, telling our loved ones how to do things, rather than allowing them to just be who they are, comes from fear. Controlling is a waste of our precious life force energy. Letting go of fear allows us to be in stillness, to listen to our guidance. Our own inner knowing is powerful. We have to be quiet and still to hear the still small voice inside of us. Learning to stop the mind chatter and quiet the mind (our ego) so that we can hear this quiet voice is imperative.
We need to quiet our mind to be able to hear our inner guidance. Fear makes us feel shattered, nervous and then depend on others to make our decisions for us. No one knows better than your High Self – your true God self for yourself. Our gut is our best guide. Ask questions when sitting in silence, waiting to hear the response of our body will help you. Listen to what your body is saying. Is your stomach gurgling?
Click the link to hear my podcast about moving out of control and fear, so that we can hear our inner guidance and learn to trust ourselves. In this podcast I give exercises to quiet the mind, so that you can get to and hear the inner guidance.
Jennifer’s website is:
Jennifer is the author of the forthcoming book: Orgasm For Life. This book holds the key to getting to your heart, increasing intimacy and deepening connection with your partner. Jennifer is also a hypnotherapist, Master Energy healer, speaker and radio guest of hundreds of radio shows. She teaches self love, as a means to let go of fear, improve our relationships and deepen our connection with ourselves. Through self love, permanent happiness just happens. Happiness is not something that you get from another. It comes from within. Jennifer is a guide, certified life coach and teacher of Metaphysics. She has been on a spiritual path since she was in her teens. Looking for enlightenment has been her goal since this time. She awakened and became enlightened in 2012 while in Boulder, Colorado.