By Jennifer Elizabeth Masters
Mojave desert |
Quiet desolation |
Every morning I walk my dogs out in the desert. I only have to drive one exit north on Interstate 14, to be in the middle of nowhere. I enjoy the quiet and solitude. Where I walk, I rarely encounter people. Birds, butterflies, lizards and the rare snake are my companions. It is where I find my center. I am often inspired while walking with blog posts, or ideas for a new book. When my mind is quiet, I listen to what comes to me. Often it is Divine guidance.
Yesterday, was no exception. I was prodded to find the “new” road I walked southward about a mile, the day before. It was lovely, quiet and peaceful. I was not able to remember how I located it, but was directed across the road and down to the left. Soon I found myself walking the soft, sandy pathway with my dogs, the same one I found mysteriously the day before.
As I walked along the road, I saw a box off to the left. It was on the edge of the road, which was not surprising. I often encounter old televisions, garden trimmings or other trash that people dump. Many people are lazy and choose to dump in the desert rather than visit the dump that is another 4 miles away. After all the dump has hours of operation. Perish the thought that someone couldn’t dump their stuff on THEIR schedule. I digress.
The box…… was a wine box, burgundy and white, opened on one end. I must have spoken to the dogs, about pulling me, when to my surprise a tiny white kitten not more than two weeks old came rushing out of the box mewing like there was no tomorrow. Most certainly, had I not followed my guidance, there would not have been a tomorrow for this little kitty. Three more rushed out to greet me. At 8:30 AM, it was already over 80. I knew I had to take them home with me.
kitties determined to go home with us |
As a pet lover, my heart strings are often pulled by strays. Yoda, a “Chuweenie” (Dachshund and Chihuahua mix) was my latest find, only 4 weeks old and wandering towards our car along the sandy alley near my home, last November. I am getting to the point here. I felt the background information about the desert and people who live here was germane to my story.
One tiny white kitten scrambled out of the box mewing like crazy, another one followed. As I walked down the road they ran after me. I had to pick them up. I told Karma and Yoda, we had to go home. Their walk was over. I picked up the box and each of the tiny kittens and stuffed them back into the box. Their little needles for claws were clamoring for me to hold them and feed them. They were obviously hungry. Since I was on this same road the day before, I knew they had to have been dropped late the night before or early the day I found them. I was angry that someone would have so little concern for life. Each life no matter how small is important.
One little kitty had so much gunk in it’s eyes that both were glued shut. I wondered if it would be blind. I was concerned they had some disease. While I drove home, they clawed their way out of the box. I had to put my purse on top to keep them contained. Their mewing didn’t stop. I raced to get home.
My plans were to create videos for my book, on You Tube. The videos didn’t get done. Instead I spent the rest of my day feeding, caring for and trying to keep the kittens alive. In between I did energy clearings for clients. The two white kittens were clearly stronger. I had to feed the little black kitten and the one I called Tiger, below with an eyedropper.
My concern was primarily focused on feeding. What I noticed however was that the weaker kittens became even weaker over time. My neighbor mentioned several times that a mother cat washes her kittens from one end to the other. The vigorous licking does two things; it stimulates digestion, and circulation. It also lets the kitten know it is loved. While I was focused on feeding four kittens, I was forgetting to stroke, cuddle and nuzzle. When I began to nuzzle them, breathing near their faces, they began to purr. This signified to them, love. How similar I thought, humans are to kittens. Infant babies without snuggling and skin to skin contact will die.
Tiger 5.26.14 |
Adult humans do not get enough touch, stroking and fondling. We don’t nuzzle often enough. This contact with a loved one signifies acceptance and nurturing. Without it we don’t feel loved. It has been said that humans need 12 hugs a day. How many of you receive even one hug a day? I want to hear from you. I see new mothers shoving bottles into their babies mouths, while their baby’s lay in grocery carts. Babies need to be held when fed. Hospitals are not even swaddling anymore. They say it is old fashioned. When is snuggling considered old fashioned. Swaddling gives an infant the feeling of being in the womb. Tightly wrapped, secure and safe. It is a rare thing these days to see anyone snuggling and cuddling – even with their children. Most of us are operating in a deficit of tactile needs.
Our skin is our largest organ. It breathes. Skin absorbs light and whatever we put on it. Why not spend some time stroking and fondling your husband or wife today. Why not touch your lover in a non-sexual way, so that they know they are more than a sex object. Men, women often feel that they are just an available whole, or receptacle for your semen?
Our actions speak far louder than any words can. Touch your partner in a loving way. Show them you care. This touch can make the difference between being barely alive and THRIVING.
I learned a very powerful lesson yesterday from these four little kittens. I spend way too much time working and not enough time touching. Show your partner a little love today, nuzzle them, breathe them in, rub their shoulders. Touch in a way that signifies your love. Touching only for sex, reduces your partner to an object. To quote Orgasm For Life:
“Women are the donut holes on the concession stand of life.”
Allow your wife or lover to see you in a different light, show love by non-sexual touch, so that you both can thrive instead of just exist.
Jennifer is the author of Orgasm For Life – OFL. Her book is available on Amazon, Kindle and Smashwords. It will also be available in paperback version this week. She has been on hundreds of radio shows sharing her humor, and insight.
Jennifer is a sex educator, coach and hypnotherapist. She uses Neurolinguistic Programming, energy healing and The Akashic Records in her sessions. As a channel, she is able to step out of the way of ego and get to the root of her clients issues quickly. Working with Jennifer is like working with no other coach. She has created her own programs and tools to assist you to move beyond suffering, pain, feeling broken or small. Contact Jennifer through her website or via e-mail to discuss your issues and how Jennifer can help you.