The Love Doctor is IN!

By Jennifer Elizabeth Masters


Tuesday, June 10, 2014 Shaneetha Akinlana has invited me to be on her show for the third or fourth time, I have lost count. We have a great rapport, are both direct, candid and open about sex – and all that goes with it.

I will also be on Shaneetha’s show the following Tuesday, June 17th, same time, same channel. This will be Part II of the Orgasm For Life show.
Join us Tuesday night for a LIVE show, recorded in Atlanta, Georgia, the place I lived and breathed for 30 years. The following is from Shaneetha:
Want to create more joy, pleasure, and fun in the bedroom or the back seat of a car? Do you want the ultimate orgasm and sexual experience of your life no matter what your age? Are you living passionately today or just pushing through hoping to make it to tomorrow ? Do you want to have more intimacy and improved sex lives?
Jennifer Elizabeth Masters well known sex coach for women has just finished her new fantastic book “Orgasm For Life” She has helped thousands of women t…urn boring sexual experiences into women who can’t wait to get it on. She is The Love Doctors special guest and will be discussing everything you ever wanted to know about sexual pleasure and the big O but were afraid to ask. This show is not just for women but, all you men out there in love land need to listen to this show so you can really learn how to begin to please your women in the bedroom. This show is for mature audiences only. The love lines are open Tuesday, June 10th 9:00pm est. 714- 242- 5155
Let’s HEAT up the phone lines! Join us for a lively, fun and joyful show about what God created – SEX!
Today, I leave the desert and drive eastward to Colorado. The trip is almost 1,000 miles. I prefer to drive as I receive inspiration, guidance and wonderful visions while I am away from my cell phone signal for hours on end. I drive through Los Vegas Nevada, Arizona, Utah and finally into Colorado after almost 11 hours. It takes at least 17 for me to make the trip with my two dogs, driving alone. On occasion we have hit a time warp and seemingly got lost in some loop where we went back over the same road repeatedly, how I don’t know. I just know it took us 23 hours to make the 16 hour trip in March, 2014.

I will arrive in Colorado sometime on Tuesday, depending on how much work I do here before I leave. I do energy clearings and readings for people on a daily

basis. I will be out of reach of cell phone, Internet for two days. This is an extraordinary time to be connected, without the breach of cell phones and interruption of thoughts and guidance. Almost as soon as I arrive I will be on the air in Atlanta with Shaneetha.

At my friend’s home in the middle of Boulder
If you live in Colorado and wish to have an in person session with me, I will be in Boulder for three weeks beginning June 10th through July 3rd. I will be in Colorado Springs on June 20th doing Akashic Records consultations.

My son Adam and I in Boulder in 2011
If you wish to contact me, know there will be some lag time. Here is the link for E-mailing Jennifer HERE!
Jennifer’s website is:
Jennifer is the author of the Global soon-to-be BEST SELLER – Orgasm For Life GO TO AMAZON.COM TO CHECK OUT JENNIFER”S BOOK HERE~

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