The Lighter Side of Sexual Dysfunction: Orgasm For Life

By Jennifer Elizabeth Masters

Looking for passion in your relationship, bedroom and life? Look no further. Orgasm For Life will ignite the fires of passion in and out of the bedroom. As a matter of fact, I might even light the fires of passion for you in your bathroom, kitchen and living room as well! 

This book was inspired by my own non-orgasmic experiences. I knew if I had issues, others did also. When I began interviewing and surveying others, 100’s of people responded with their own stories. I invite you to watch this video. It will give you a glimpse of a fraction of what is inside this book. It is direct, honest and open. I am fearless about sex. I share my own personal experiences and those of others. 

Orgasm For Life is not just a guide, it is filled with page-turning HOT HOT HOT topics, that will turn you on. One gentleman told me that the chapter on oral sex for men was ON FIRE! 

It will light the fire of passion for both of you. But it won’t if you don’t buy the book. So get going to Amazon, right now. 

If you like fantasies, erotica, there are chapters for you in Orgasm For Life. Here are some of the chapter titles you will find in this passionately written book. 

Radio Show Every Wednesday FREE! Great fun and information.

Have you ever asked for what you wanted and got it? Was it a man? Was he exactly what you asked for – but you forgot some important details to ask for like, monogamy, emotional availability, non-addict. Instead you got a hunk of a man, who dates on the side and denies you when you hit him head on!??

This is what our radio show this Wednesday is all about. Asking for what you want. Detailed, exact and clear. The more clear you can be, the easier it will be for the Universe to fill your order. Remember The Universe must create a win-win situation. Orchestration must take place. This is where the fun comes in.

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Manifesting Love – that you want FAST. 
Find out how to get specific and detailed about your manifestations. LIVE on Wednesday.


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