By Jennifer Elizabeth Masters
Building The Body Back UP
Processed foods, fast foods and sugary foods, especially high fructose contribute to erectile dysfunction. Eating fresh fruits, meat and vegetables is required for the body to be healthy The primitive or cave-man diet, reducing carbohydrates will help rejuvenate your body. The primitive diet is the best for becoming sexually invigorated. (Read Orgasm For Life for foods to kick up your stamina)
Jennifer Elizabeth Masters became enlightened and self actualized in 2012. She is able to assist you come to a loving acceptance of yourself. When you are committed to your self growth and self discovery, she helps you overcome the following:
Taking a pill is not the answer to the issues of a flaccid penis. There are several reasons that a penis won’t get hard. Viagra, Cialis and other drugs will cause further problems down the road. There is a healthy way to cure this issue. Follow these instructions and you will not have erectile dysfunction.
What is Erectile Dysfunction? ED
Erectile Dysfunction means that your penis won’t get hard when you want to have sex. It can happen at any age.
What Causes Erectile Dysfunction?
There are several factors that cause erectile dysfunction.
Stress is one of the biggest causes of sexual dysfunction in men. Most people work too hard. We have stress with our monthly expenses, career stress and stress within our relationships. All of these things contribute to issues with inability to get an erection. Getting enough rest is important. If you are burning the candle at both ends, your body does not have time to rejuvenate.
Building The Body Back UP
You know that feeling after you have come? You body is limp. Your penis is soft. All you want to do is sleep. An orgasm and ejaculation takes a lot out of a man. It takes a man on average 3 days to recuperate after an orgasm. During this time, men may not think about sex. As they re-build semen and strength, pressure builds within the body as an urge to ejaculate. As men get older, this refractory period becomes longer. During this time, it is not wise to force sex to happen as your body is not ready. The reason many men have issues with ED is that they don’t wait for their body to recuperate. This would be like working out when you are sick.
Having additional sex right after an orgasm further depletes the body and causes you to be in a deficit or life force or CHI.
Having additional sex right after an orgasm further depletes the body and causes you to be in a deficit or life force or CHI.

Your heart needs to function well. Anything that is bad for your heart is also bad for your penis. Fried foods, french fries, hamburgers, any kind of fast or processed food will cause you heart disease and erectile dysfunction.
If you have a fat belly, you have fat around your organs. Fat around the heart means that you also have clogged arteries. If arteries are clogged, your penis can’t get hard as easily. Fitness, exercise, walking at least three times a week is required for a healthy and fit body. You don’t have to have a gym membership to maintain a
healthy body. Walking in the mall can be sufficient in the winter when snow is on sidewalks and trails. Although, those of us who love the outdoors will get out there no matter the weather.
Priorities are personal. If you like sex, your physical health needs to be a top priority. Drinking soda, eating pie or other sugary foods on a regular basis will curb the ability to have sex down the road. What you do today, effects your sex life tomorrow.
Other Factors That Affect Erection
- high blood pressure
- smoking
- high cholesterol
- steroids
- prescription medications
- low testosterone
- abuse or put-downs within the relationship
Prostate or Tantra Massage
Men have a G-Spot, similar to that of a woman. The men’s G-Spot is the prostate. Massage of the prostate can give a man an erection.
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Giving Your Man Pleasure |
I explain this in great detail in my book, Orgasm For Life. Massaging the prostate will not only get a man hard, it will increase the pleasure and intensity of his orgasm.
Instructions For Prostate Massage
Locating The Man’s G-Spot
Lay either on a couch or bed, put a pillow his buttocks under for better access, or raise his feet to the wall. Draping his knees over the end of the couch can work too. Using a lubricated index finger, gently massage the anus. There are plenty of nerve endings here which can enhance pleasure for both men and women. Keeping an open mind, this can intensify pleasure for the man and certainly get him erect. With your lubricated index finger (gloved or not) gently insert feeling for a chestnut sized lump. It can feel a little like the end of your nose, if you bump into something, you are there. This is a very sensitive area, remember to be gentle.
Prostate Massage (G-Spot For Men)
Remember to be gentle, using a come hither motion rather than a poking finger. Massage the sides of the prostate. There are many nerve endings right in the front that could be highly sensitive. Ask him if it feels comfortable? Is it pleasurable? Gently stroke this area until he either is hard enough for penetrative sex, or give him the beautiful pleasure of allowing him to just receive. This means your guy has the opportunity to just lay there and experience and enjoy
an orgasm without having to do anything in return.
A man can have an intense orgasm without even having his genitals stimulated this way. Add a hand motion on the penis and he will be in heaven!

- low self esteem
- depression
- apathy
- loneliness
- suicidal tendencies
- chaos
- lack of focus
- living in the past or future
- unhappiness
- sadness
- nervousness
- fears
- health issues
- Fibromyalgia
- Epstein Barr Syndrome
- arthritis
- sexual dysfunction
Working with Jennifer you will see your self esteem rise to great heights. Apathy dissolves along with depression and sadness. You become totally present in the moment. Jennifer has healed all of these issues above as well as breast cancer in herself. She has the tools to help you do it too. She is certified as a Hypnotherapy Trainer, Neurolinguistic Programming Practitioner, A Master Energy Healer. All of these are used in her catalystic coaching.
How does she do it?
Great question. Jennifer is a catalyst and a spiritual pathfinder. She helps you align with your true high self. She helps you come into loving acceptance of you. When you love and accept yourself, your world changes drastically. Instead of attracting relationships that don’t work, you fine people and situations that support you. Life becomes a joy to experience. Loneliness dissolves. Your mind quiets and you feel serene, peaceful and your creativity soars.
If you have struggled with life, love and relationships all your life, isn’t it time you took the first step? Contact Jennifer now through her private e-mail. She has room for two committed clients now. Her book is filling up, so don’t wait. Once her new radio show Straight Up Sex Talk begins, there will be less time on her calendar. She gives each of her clients her undivided attention and is fully present with you.