Jennifer Elizabeth Masters
Last night, Devi Ward and I jointly co-hosted the last in a series on her show, Sex As Medicine. Our guest was Sex Therapist, and award-winning author, teacher, Shaman Gina Ogden, PhD. Gina has created a medicine wheel to use to help us get to the root of our emotional, physical, heart, and spiritual issues with sex.
Gina Ogden is an insightful wise woman who has written many books, The Return To Desire, Women Who Love Sex, The Heart and Soul of Sex, Expanding The Practise of Sex Therapy.
Listen to this show here. You won’t be disappointed. Gina brings spirituality into sex which is natural. Who created sex and orgasm anyway. Rather than being goal-oriented Gina talks about having a deeply connected sexual experience where someone touches your emotions and soul.
If you are looking for a deep and fearless search for self beyond pain and suffering Gina’s guidance is profound. I invite you to
listen. This is a beautiful show for men and women to expand your vision and feelings about sexual expression and love.Visit my website here. Or e-mail me for a private experience of deepening your connection with self fearlessly here.
listen. This is a beautiful show for men and women to expand your vision and feelings about sexual expression and love.Visit my website here. Or e-mail me for a private experience of deepening your connection with self fearlessly here.