By Jennifer Elizabeth Masters
Mercury Retrograde are a great time to plan, set goals, write, organize, reduce, and re-think strategy. It is the best time to clear out the clutter that has been plaguing you. The following are the best uses of this energy:
The Good news is that Venus does not go retrograde until March 2017. What does this mean? 2016 is a great year to meet, fall inlove and get married – even if you have had difficulty in the past. You might want to get your energy cleared to give yourself the best opportunity for LOVE!
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Mercury the planet that rules intellect, speech and communication will have four retrograde periods in 2016, instead of the typical three. For most people that have experienced the challenges of living through three Mercury Retrogrades per year, having the added bonus of a fourth may prove too much. Instead of crawling into a box and closing the lid, or hiding in your closet for twelve weeks of the year, I have some suggestions for you to use this time constructively.
For those born during a Mercury Retrograde, communication has probably been a challenge for you most of your life. When you master your challenges, you step into your soul purpose. I have learned a thing or two about making the most out of a negative situation, I was born during both a Venus and Mercury Retrograde. I had challenges with love and communication for half of my life.
What Is A Retrograde?
A retrograde is when a planet slows down and appears to have a backward rotation.
What Changes During A Mercury Retrograde?
During Mercury Retrograde periods there is more road rage, miscommunication, arguments, issues with contracts, break-ups, computer, phone, coupled with issues regarding travel and vehicles.
When Is Mercury Retrograde In 2016?
January 5 – January 25th till 4:44 PM EST
April 28 – May 22nd
August 30 – September 22nd
December 19 – January 8, 2017
There are do’s and don’ts that will help you navigate this energy and use it to your advantage, rather than allowing it to get the best of you. Just like a relative that you wish would leave, the more you focus on the positive contributions that your relative makes, the easier their visit becomes, so does the Mercury Retrograde.
What Is Beneficial During A Mercury Retrograde?
Be impeccable with your word!
Communication needs to be clear or break-ups, arguments could easily occur.

- Clean out your e-mail inbox.
- Clean out duplicate or poor quality photos on your computer.
- Clean out papers out of file drawers.
- Organize closets, pantries, and storage areas.
- Purge. Get rid of what you don’t use, or don’t wear. Give it away to a charity where it can be re-used by someone who really needs it.
- Get rid of broken items
- Prepare taxes, but don’t file them.
- Review contracts, but don’t sign them.
- Think about selling your home or property, but don’t list.
- Research buying something new, but do not buy luxury items; especially appliances, cars, computers, boats, RVs or cell phones.
- Clear text strings.
- Get rid of magazines and newspapers.
- Review insurance programs.
- Review check registers, looking for errors or overcharges.
- Reorganize closets.
- Repair things that are broken.
- Re-cycle.
- Return library books, gifts and things you don’t want to keep.
- Repay debt.

As you can see, this time, is a fabulous time to “RE-VIEW, REPAIR, REORGANIZE, RECYCLE, RESTRUCTURE and RETURN.
The Universe LOVES ORDER!
Use this time to get your office, home, car, computer e-mail, and cell phone in order.
Going back to a place you have already traveled to will net you greater rewards during this time than traveling to someplace new. You will travel with greater ease when you RETURN.
My first trip to India was during a Mercury Retrograde. My first flight leg was canceled. I had to race through
the airport to get on another flight before anyone else did, got the last seat and barely made my connection to India. When I arrived in India, my luggage didn’t. All of these events are typical during a Mercury Retrograde. Imagine arriving in India without any extra underwear or clothing. I had to buy and manage for five days till my luggage finally arrived.
My best recommendation is not to do any of the following. I understand that if you travel for a living, it can’t be helped. If you must travel, give yourself plenty of time and carry on a change of clothes and toothbrush!
DON’T Do Any Of These For Best Results:
- Get married.
- Get engaged.
- Sign contracts.
- Buy a house.
- Sell a house.
- List a house for sale.
- Buy a computer
- Buy luxury items
- Buy a computer
- Buy a cell phone
- Buy a car
- Buy a boat
- Break-up if you mean it. Your break-up won’t last. You will be back together before you know it and breaking up again during the next retrograde.
- Travel to new places if you can help it.
I know of many couples who attempted to break-up during Mercury Retrogrades and promptly ended up getting back together.
Jennifer Anniston got married during a Venus Retrograde. I tried to warn her, but she wouldn’t listen. Marriage or engagements made during this time sadly rarely last. If you want the best chance for survival, wait till the Retrograde ends.

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