By Jennifer Elizabeth Masters
Yesterday, Adam Lowery of Cognitive Rampage helped me draw back the curtain on lying, sex and death during sex. We talked about the importance of pets, marriage and divorce, what relationships actually do for us. This is a two-and-a-half hour interview that left us both feeling high. Barriers were removed. If you are looking for the truth about ourselves, our enlightenment you will find it here. Click this photo below. It is also available on I-Tunes and Android.
Cognitive Rampage: I-Tunes with Jennifer Elizabeth Masters
Cognitive Rampage on Stitcher: Jennifer Elizabeth Masters
Do women confound you? Do you wonder how to please your man? Do people show up in your life angry? Find out what your inner emotions do to draw road rage, drama and challenges in your life. Are relationships a challenge? What are the relationship killers? How can you avoid killing the love you have?
Find out what relationships are meant to do. Do you need validation? Find out how to get it easily daily. How events from forty years ago are still impacting you in a huge way. Wondering about hypnotherapy and how it can help you remove the abandonment or rejection from childhood this interview will explain it to you. This interview left us both feeling high. A very high vibration was channeled through in this interview. I look forward to hearing your feedback. Adam has me slated for a return very soon!
Much Love,
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