Some of us work to live. Others live to work. Doing work, we love, aligned with our soul purpose is what we are here to do. When aligned with our soul purpose work is a joy, we feel contented and fulfilled. When we are not doing work that is in alignment with our soul purpose, we may feel disconnected, lost or in search of what is missing.
How does one find out what their soul purpose is?
There are many ways to discover what our soul purpose is. If we have had tough lessons in life, we often turn those lessons into our gifts to share with others. Maybe you have experienced a trauma, a serious illness and overcome it. Teaching others what we have learned from our personal journey is often what we are meant to do.
For more than twenty years a consciousness ran through me filtering through my thoughts telling me I would write a book and help people overcome sexual trauma (PTSD) and abuse. I didn’t realize that the overarching theme was helping people be happy, by loving themselves and raising self-esteem. I also didn’t have a clue how me telling my story would help anyone else. To say I resisted is an understatement!
I argued with this Guidance. “What would anyone want to hear my story for? How could I possibly help anyone with their personal issues?” Now I help others find their way to happiness and their soul purpose through coaching, energy healing and The Akashic Records.
A Guide To Your Purpose
1. Don’t worry about a plan. Your soul purpose will come filtering through your consciousness. You can’t plan for it. Just begin. Write in your journal. Ask yourself what you have learned in life so far? Write it down. Ask yourself what you are passionate about?
4. Your soul purpose is heart-based. Trying to “figure out” your soul purpose won’t do it for you. When we are figuring things out we are in our ego-mind, not our heart. Your heart is where you connect to Source. The way to find your soul purpose is to go through your heart.
A caveat here is that I had tremendous fear about writing my first book. I wanted to play it safe and wait till my mother died. “NO!” was my answer. My first book was as much for my mother as it was for me. I was afraid of her wrath and backlash. My mother threatened to sue me due to the content in Odyssey Victim to Victory.
My truth wasn’t the way she remembered it. It was very painful for her. It didn’t keep me from writing the book, I did it anyway and took a huge risk. I didn’t allow my fear of my mother keep me from doing what I needed to do. We have to be completely authentic and honest with ourselves and others to receive our soul purpose.
Writing my first book was cathartic and healing for me. Anytime we do something the first time we have to take a huge leap. I took mine. You can do it too!
6. It might not feel comfortable. Expecting that fulfilling your life purpose will be easy and comfortable is expecting it to be handed to you on a silver platter. It won’t be. Like I wrote above, there is going to be risk involved both personal and probably financial. Anything worth having is worth working for and probably takes a certain amount of risk. You might risk feeling silly, vulnerable or revealing personal information. Your soul purpose is worth it!
7. We often meet our destiny on the road to avoid it. If you attempt to avoid it or stifle your creativity you might meet your soul purpose somewhere else. No matter where you go, you will be.
Your soul purpose might be just to love. It could be a simple thing.
Everyone Has A Soul Purpose Even A Dog!
Meet Yoda He Knows His Soul Purpose
Oct. 2014 |
In October 2014, I was Guided to take my daughter out to brunch at our favorite breakfast place in our town. We don’t dine out often, preferring to eat healthy food and watch our budget.
Yoda found me five months before my daughter, Ariel graduated from high school and moved to Colorado. He was wandering down the alley outside of the restaurant where my daughter and I had brunch.
He was only about six weeks old. We checked with the people that owned him, and they had no means to feed or take care of him and told my daughter to take him (they had five other puppies and no mamma). I wondered what the heck I would do with a puppy? Why did he show up when he did?
My answer came:
To help Karma and me get over a tough time and make us both smile!
His soul purpose is to make people happy. Everywhere he goes people look at him and smile. I have yet to see anyone come into his presence and not smile. He runs down the beach drops his tennis ball in front of their blanket and barks at them. Most people know instinctively to throw his ball; then he runs down to the next group of people. He is gregarious. He loves everyone. He makes people smile.
He has helped Karma stay young and active, giving her a buddy to join her in her walks and play. Karma was starting to fail till Yoda showed up. Yoda has given Karma a new lease on life and brought in joy for her.
Abandoned Native American store |
In 2014, I was driving across the country from Boulder, Colorado and got all the way to Williams, Arizona to stop for the night. When I did, I found Yoda wasn’t in my car. He had gotten out when I stopped to take photos (I had no idea).
I had to drive all the way back to Big Guns, Arizona to find him. There are a series of children’s books coming about Yoda and how he found his home, as well as his big adventure of being lost in
Big Guns, AZ where I found Yoda in the dark |
Arizona. Yoda’s story is a part of his soul purpose. He will be visiting children in classrooms and elsewhere as part of his Divine Purpose.
I hope this article is helpful in some way. I would love to hear from you, either comments or questions. Please either respond at the bottom of this article, or on FaceBook. Often a conversation can be helpful with others who have also experienced what you are going through.
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