By Jennifer Elizabeth Masters
I continued to coach Falak to stay grounded and centered and not focus on him leaving or being unable to commit. I recommended she begin to give gratitude to God and The Universe for her lovely man and soon-to-be husband. I also had her envision her wedding to Awais.
Before the wedding issues began to surface with Awais’ mother. She was rejecting Falak and appeared jealous. I cleared Awais, his mother and Falak’s morphogenic field (their joint energetic fields). Falak and Awais’s mother had a past life together where they had been business partners. Whether you believe in past lives or not, clearing their energy was enough for the tension to be eradicated and their wedding went off in January 2012, without a hitch.
In 2014, Falak and Awais visited my daughter and me in Los Angeles. They were gloriously happy together. While eating lunch I told Falak, I felt she would be pregnant soon. By the time she returned to India, Falak had reached out to tell me I was correct she got pregnant while in the US!
Love is available for each of us. Sometimes, we have to get the help we need so we can get out of our way. Why not set up your private discovery session with Jennifer to see how you can have the love you desire too!
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Leva Sereikyte Photography |
It was the summer of 2011. I had just published my first book and was quite active on FaceBook. A woman from a foreign country was Guided to contact me. She knew somehow; I could help her find the love she desired. Finding love for someone wasn’t new to me, but finding love under the gun of an arranged marriage was.
When we began working together, Falak told me her father was insisting on an arranged marriage as she was getting on (in his mind) and must get married soon.
She was well educated and independent, but afraid to be alone. She had a growing homeopathic practice in her hometown. Falak and her father had an agreement that as long as she could find someone quickly (within six months) he would allow her to find someone she loved. (No pressure!)
We worked together for about three months. We worked on self-love issues and letting go of the fear of being alone. Over the time we worked together, Falak’s confidence grew. I asked her to follow my intuitive guidance even when it might appear counterintuitive. She trusted me.
She was dating a gentleman whom she didn’t love. I instructed her to break up with him immediately. There is an energetic reason to get out of a relationship when they aren’t right for you. Continuing to date someone you know isn’t right for you will create bad karma. What goes around comes around. Be honorable. If you know the person you are with isn’t someone that you want to go the distance with, let them go.
Breaking up with someone will allow the room for another more suitable person to show up. Breaking up creates a vacuum. The universe hates a vacuum and will quickly fill it back up.
Breaking up with someone will allow the room for another more suitable person to show up. Breaking up creates a vacuum. The universe hates a vacuum and will quickly fill it back up.
She blessed the gentleman she was dating by letting him go. Breaking up meant he had the ability to attract someone else that loved him back.
Within two weeks she met someone under mysterious circumstances that she liked and was attracted to. Falak and Awais began to spend time together until he had to fly back to the Virginia in the US where he had a business. Her first reaction was to be concerned about his girlfriend in the US.
As an intuitive, I knew he was honorable. I asked her to continue to trust me and not to harass him with phone calls or texting and to allow him the time he needed to break up with the woman he had seen in Virginia. It was difficult for Falak to stay centered and grounded when the man she loved was across the ocean doing who knows what? I asked her if she wanted a man who was honorable? She said she did. How a man treats his previous girlfriend is an indication of how he will treat you. If he is kind to her, he will also be kind to you.
I knew he was breaking up with his past girlfriend gently and kindly. I recommended to Falak that Awais work with me to clear any issues between the two of them.
She asked him to work with me, while he was in the US. I cleared issues with the family and anything standing in the way of the two of them being together. I cleared self-sabotage, issues of abandonment and rejection for both of them as well as past life issues. The fact that he would work with me at Falak’s request was a very good sign.
While he and I worked together, I had a vision of him proposing once he returned to India. I knew to keep my vision to myself. True to my vision a trip in November was planned for his return to India.

In November of 2011, within months of us beginning to work together, Awais proposed to Falak. I was invited to their wedding in India. I was unable to leave my daughter who was in High School at the time.

Last week Falak gave birth to their second child, a beautiful little girl.
Since 2011, I have helped many women clear the issues standing in the way of their true love relationship. No relationship is perfect, but with the perfect person for you, it can be magical. Falak and Awais had a deep soul connection which has propelled them to work together teaching children in India. They are a very tight couple.
Congratulations Dr. Falak and Awais on your beautiful little girl!

Jennifer Elizabeth Masters is an intuitive healer, love and passion coach. She holds five certifications in healing modalities. You may send her a private message or set up a private session by phone or Skype here.
She is the author of the forthcoming book:
Happy Here, Happy Anywhere
The Guide to Overcoming Anxiety, Depression and Unhappiness Without A Prescription