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I cleared the sinus infection, then cleared two past lives where Betina had been drowned and another where she had a death by fire. Both of these past lives were coming up to be cleared with this sinus infection. I applied energy healing to her body, including first aid, clearing trauma, brutality and many other patterns that were blocking Betina.
Betina Bailey reported to me this morning that for the three days since the clearings including today she feels amazing! Her sinus infection has cleared up and she has had the best sleep of her life the past three nights. She had a fabulous day yesterday at work, doing what she loves body painting.
As if the fabulous job wasn’t enough, a mysterious deposit occurred into her bank account and her parents offered to help her get a better place to live and were much more supportive of her.
100% of the cases with depression, anxiety, molestation, suicidal tendencies that my clients experienced, have dark energies attached. In every case after a clearing they feel fabulous, uplifted, better and their suicidal tendencies are gone!
How can you tell if you have attached energies?
There are many signs that you have attached energy. We see things out of the corner of our eyes. Objects move when we haven’t touched them. The house you live in may be haunted. We may have bouts of tremendous fear, nightmares, insomnia, or worry incessantly, we may have OCD, depression, feel your life isn’t worth living or have serious money issues. We may feel blocked at every turn, unable to make headway. Some dark energies are generational, meaning the family has had them for lifetimes.

During my last podcast, a pain came over my left shoulder. I told my audience someone in the group had pain. I asked to clear it. The woman had been experiencing pain in her shoulder for months. Before the end of the call, her pain was totally gone!
In June in Atlanta, at The Inner Space, Alisha Henry reported having pain in her ankle that wouldn’t go away. She had this pain for years! I asked the pain to be cleared and it was! Immediately.
Everyone has the power within them to heal themselves. I will help you speak the words to empower your inner physician to heal you.
After working with Jennifer recently, I must say that I am grateful to the Divine for placing her in my path via a Google search. A few weeks ago, I was in an interesting place emotionally. I was in-between coming to terms with some past emotional trauma but not fully understanding what it meant to “let go of my past.” Following our initial 30 minute “discovery session” and subsequent first session a week later, I finally understood what it meant to embrace the present while letting the past be whatever it was.
As she opened my Akashic record and began to peel back the layers of my current and past lives, I shook, trembled, and buzzed as Jennifer cut the cords to the negative emotional patterns that had affected me on a personal, physical, emotional, and spiritual basis. The guilt, shame, and depression I experienced for years immediately left and I felt lighter! It was as if life had finally smiled at me and the Universe had finally said, “it’s time for your healing. Embrace it and finally, learn to live life and enjoy it!”
I’m truly grateful for Jennifer’s work, and I know that this is the beginning of something beautiful in my life. Thanks again, Jennifer, and I send you much love and many blessings!
Feel Uplifted and Joyful
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