Following is an excerpt from my forthcoming book:
Happy Here Happy Anywhere
The Guide for Overcoming Depression, Anxiety, and Unhappiness Without A Prescription!
Joy is your natural state. Thirty years ago, it certainly wasn’t mine. In fact, I couldn’t have been more miserable if my head was stuck in a toilet! I was sickly, depressed and in mental, physical and emotional agony. Searching, seeking, systematically clearing my energy and meditation broke through all the past pain. In 2011 a beautiful joy began to break through and in 2012, happiness and joy became my permanent state. This is my story of awakening; I can help you get there too.
Maybe this story should be renamed: Not All Yogis Wear Turbans!
Doctors medicate rather than get to the root of the problem. Prescriptions mask the root cause, rather than heal. I was told I would have my diseases all my life. I wanted something different. I chose to heal myself and my life. I stopped saying I had the illnesses. I began to affirm vital health and wellness.
minds and were so excited when I arrived at their homes, the owners had to let them spend time with me. The dogs knew I understood them. Even trees would ask me for help from their homeowners.
My inward focus allowed me to shift my thinking. I became softer, more loving and all my fears left me. I have not been ill in any way since 2009.
Tumors Gone!
What Awakening And Enlightenment Means To Me Personally
old farmhouse I was living in I lost everything I owned due to black mold. The trees narrowly missed my truck and trailer by inches. Had I not moved them, they both would have been destroyed. The second most profound time God spoke to me was when I was told to move to Boulder, Colorado.

The last family photos with my truck |
I sold everything including my Beloved pick-up truck, landscape equipment, and all my furniture, and gave away the rest. I pulled my daughter out of the affluent high school she attended in Alpharetta,
Georgia where being one of out of the 3,000 students she had slipped through the cracks because we weren’t affluent. The weirdest thing of all, as if this whole story isn’t weird, is that I was terrified to tell my rageful ex that I was moving to Boulder, Colorado, because of our divorce agreement, I was bound by law to keep Ariel in one school district. Moving to Boulder violated that agreement.
When I called to tell Rich, we were moving and where he admitted he had made a similar decision to move to North Dakota. His building business like so many builders had gone belly-up. He was
going to ask me to move out west so he could continue to see his daughter. My move to Colorado allowed him to see Ariel one entire week a month when he was on leave from the oil fields.
When God Has A Plan…..It’s Amazing!
Ariel wasn’t from an affluent family. She was on the low rung of the school totem pole. I had a vision of her being dragged into the woods where she ran cross-country by five boys after I was told to move to Boulder. This was not fear that I had, it was a movie I was shown through my third eye.

Boulder Colorado and instant friends for Ariel
I knew the move was in her best interest as well. I was criticized by everyone I knew about taking her out of school mid-year. I did it anyway. When Ariel arrived on her first day at Boulder, High she was surrounded by a group of instant friends. They were a high caliber of caring individuals. This was the first time she had such a solid group of friends. God took care of her too.
Becoming Blissful Permanently

Ariel and Tessa
I had been meditating daily for some time. I began doing The Divine Presence Process Meditation in Georgia with my friend, Bill Lasiter who now teaches Tantra. Sometimes we meditated remotely two or three times a day. The last vestiges of negativity and impermanence of my blissful state were removed. I began to stream consciousness and live in happiness and bliss permanently.
I Asked God For A Friend, And She Showed Up Within Minutes
While walking a trail in Boulder after dropped Ariel off at school, I thought to myself, Ariel is taken care of with a wonderful group of friends. I felt that I could use a female friend as well. I stood on the peak of the Mount Sanitas Trail and asked God out loud, “Can you please send me a friend? Thank you!” Within minutes Leslie
Walters showed up. She had a son at Boulder High and two Labradoodles. She was on a spiritual path herself. It was perfect.
Mystical Experiences
I have had many mystical experiences. The most profound of all was when I returned to our apartment in Boulder after I dropped Ariel at school. I felt an overwhelming need to take a nap; I almost couldn’t stand up. As I lay down on top of my bed, I felt my body de-materialize, like in Star Trek, “Beam me up, Scotty!” My body felt pixilated; that was the last I remember. My son, David was cleaning pools in Atlanta, Georgia and I appeared on the pool deck in front of him in the flesh. Many yogis in India and other Saints have been seen in multiple locations. The act of bi-locating is a phenomenon of Mystics. Padre Pio was one such mystic who is said to have bilocated and performed healing on others.
How Did I Get There?
I set an intention to heal myself and become enlightened in this lifetime. I was singularly focused on my personal growth and evolution. I looked inward when I had a reaction to something. Rather than focusing on what others were doing, I turned my attention inside. When I had a reaction, I looked for the answer inside of me.
Becoming Blissful Permanently

I Asked God For A Friend, And She Showed Up Within Minutes
While walking a trail in Boulder after dropped Ariel off at school, I thought to myself, Ariel is taken care of with a wonderful group of friends. I felt that I could use a female friend as well. I stood on the peak of the Mount Sanitas Trail and asked God out loud, “Can you please send me a friend? Thank you!” Within minutes Leslie
I recently visited a very negative woman with COPD and diabetes. She had a history of poor blood work. After holding her wrist for about five minutes, she felt a little dizzy, but not much else. When she went for her blood work her test results came back better than they have been in years. Her blood sugar was in the normal range and her oxygen levels were better than they had been in years.
Private sessions on Saturday.
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