By Jennifer Elizabeth Masters
We pick up negative energy in our workplace, driving in our cars when someone cuts us off, and anytime a conversation takes place where we experience an emotional upset. Our emotions are the biggest cause of the negative energy that builds in our energy field. Taking care of ourselves includes clearing negative emotions from our field. Following are three simple and inexpensive ways to clear your energy.
1. Intentional sacred clearing using Epsom salts soaks. Clean your bathtub first. Rinse out any cleaning agent carefully. Throw 3 – 5 handfuls of Epsom salts into the tub as you fill it with water as hot as you can stand it. This bath will serve several purposes, it will help you with any aches and pains, eliminate restless leg syndrome when done daily and will help to clear your energy field of negativity.
- I release the burden of resentment
- I release the burden of anger
- I release the burden of rage
- I release the burden of hate
- I release the burden of unworthiness
- I release the burden of co-dependency
- I release the burden of shame
- I release the burden of guilt
- I release the burden of unforgiveness
- I release the burden of envy
- I release the burden of jealousy
- I release the burden of insecurity
- I release the burden of being unlovable
- I release the burden of abandonment
- I release the burden of rejection
Allow whatever emotions rise to the surface to be released with your statements. When you are releasing these emotions ask, “I ask that the energies being released be raised to the highest light and used to bless my body, mind, and soul, thank you.
Follow up the release work with positive affirmations. Once you are free of all this negativity allow yourself to soak in loving affirmations.
For more power and clarity, do a series of baths consecutively, like three days in a row, or seven days in a row. You will be surprised at the positive changes you feel emotionally, mentally and physically.
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After your cathartic release outside, follow it up with a sacred cleansing bath and feel amazingly free, positive and lighter.
Follow up your cathartic screaming with positive affirmations:
- I am loved
- I am safe
- I am secure
- I am strong, powerful, harmonious, loving and happy
3. Walk outside at sunrise. Native Americans have been using the sun to cleanse their field for generations. The sun has been worshiped for its healing powers by many native peoples. Ask for the sun to remove any negativity. Express gratitude to nature and the sun for its power.
Clearing our energy is something we need to do regularly. The daily accumulation of negativity builds over time causing depression, anxiety and health issues. Doing any of these exercises will free your heart to be happier, healthier and feel so much more positive.
Jennifer’s gift is helping people find love. Whether it is self-love, the love of your life, or love within your current relationship or marriage. Jennifer helps you see your relationship through different eyes, without judgment, control and resentment. If you want to heal your marriage or relationship, Jennifer will help you do it!
I won’t be facilitating this program again in 2017. Sign up early, pay in full and receive a $225 session free and a copy of Orgasm For Life a book that will help you understand yourself and the opposite sex better than you ever have before.