Using Feng Shui To Improve Health Wealth and Happiness For 2017

By Jennifer Elizabeth Masters

2017 The Year of The Fire Rooster

You will be excited to know that the heavy energy from Year of The Monkey that made life dark and miserable is moving out during the Year of The Fire Rooster. A beautiful new energy of transformation is arriving January 28th with the new moon and shifting humanity. 2017 is a year of great change and very beneficial for women. 

Feng Shui is the art of placement. When Feng Shui is good in a home or office, it feels good and energy flows. When Feng Shui is bad energy is stagnant and the inhabitants may have health, relationship and financial challenges. Before you say, I’m nuts, whacko or insane, follow the guidance this year and see how your life improves. I used Feng Shui in my landscaping business and coaching and to find love. Feng Shui works for myself and my clients.

Themes For 2017

  • Transformation
  • The Power of One (changing one thing)
  • Money Through Family – what can you do with your family?
  • Love from travel and education – (learn and meet with others or meet someone new)
  • Women are sources of helpful opportunity – great time to hire a woman to help you or combine efforts with other women
  • Income and Business Opportunity – through a man with an accent or at a distance 1,000 + miles

2017 is a year for women to succeed and pull together. It is also a time to divest of those frenemies who badmouth you or make derisive or critical comments about you. 

There are benefits to the Year of The Fire Rooster and some cautions as well. My focus in this article give you the best ways to manage the new energy arriving so that you derive the greatest benefit from the changes. Not only does the Chinese animal change, but the direction of positive and damaging energy changes also. 

Applying For A Job?

If you have been looking for a job, 2017 is the year when you will triumph over the competition. Your resume´will magically rise to the top of the pile. What you do in 2017 will have greater significance and so that you can be recognized. 2017 is the year to apply for grants, awards and see the benefits of your hard work.

New Money Area In Your Home

The center area of your home is very beneficial this year for wealth and prosperity. Keeping this area clear of clutter and adding a fountain to this area of your home with a tabletop fountain or round, or round moving objects will help to activate this powerful energy in the center of your home called The White Star. A fountain doesn’t need to be exactly in the middle of your home.

  • If your bedroom is in the center of your home keep a small fan running during the day. 
  • Front door in the center, add a table top fountain or moving water for your


  • Water will help you get ahead


Fountains need to have two parts; the spout where the water is emitted and a receptacle that catches the water. Though fountains with lights and candles seem attractive, they have a conflicting energy of fire and water. Fire and water do not go together. Water puts the fire out or creates steam which could be interpreted as anger. The simpler, the better. 

If you have been following me for a while, you will know that I use Feng Shui in my home and garden. I used Feng Shui when I had my landscaping business in Georgia for eleven years. Feng Shui is the Chinese art of placement of wind and water that helps to enhance and reduce the negative impact of the SHA or detracting energies. Good Feng Shui allows energy, which is everywhere to move rather than become stagnant. Think of constipation, it doesn’t feel good. Energy needs to be allowed to move. Water in a clean moving fountain helps to activate wealth and health.

Resolve Problem Areas In North West 

Men in your household could have nagging problems like bills that need to be paid or health complaints. Chronic sinus infections are possible. Remedy these problems by placing metal objects in your bedroom if it is in the NW (but no fountains in the bedroom and no flowers). My bedroom is in the NW section of my house. I will be moving brass and metal objects to my bedroom. Metal objects will drain the negative energy in the NW.

Solve Problems In The West

If you have a lot of wood in the West area of your home, you could have legal problems, arguments, depression or issues with gossip or defamation of character. Add red colors in west corners of the house and rooms to counteract this negativity. If your front door is in the west, turn on the foyer light and leave it on during the day.

NorthEast – Education and Writing  Single Looking For Love?

Activate the North East area with a bouquet of fresh flowers to attract love. Add crystal balls, butterflies or symbols of love; peonies, rose quartz crystal hearts work well to activate love and

Peony a symbol of love


In 2017, traveling for education will help you meet someone if you are single. For those in relationships, there is a possibility of infidelity. Never use peach in a bedroom as it highlights the possibility of affairs. Feng Shui Cures For Love and Romance

Southern Direction Avoid These Problems in 2017

Avoid digging or noise in the south this year. Wear eye protection when spraying or doing woodworking or insulation. 
If you have two doors, and one is in the south, do your best to keep things quiet and avoid using your southern area and door. Avoid arguments and noise in the southern rooms of your home. If an older person or child has a bedroom in the south move them to another location if possible. If moving isn’t possible add a small moving fan and leave it on during the day. High blood pressure, eye issues, stroke, broken bones or glaucoma, are possible.

Solve this negative energy issue by adding blue or black colors (which represent water) to the south. Avoid using a barbecue in the south, move it to another location. 2017 is a fiery year. Avoid fires by adding blue and black colors. 
Men with accents

North – Income Weekly Salary Business Opportunity

I love what is coming in from the north this year! Wealth comes from men at a distance. Foreign men with an accent and prominence could come into your life with business opportunities that help you grow your wealth. Money could also come from computers working on the Internet which will enhance this energy. Keep earth elements away from this area. Add white which brings in and enhances the metal energy to bring and activate this area for windfalls. 

The Downside

If your bedroom is in the north, you might work a little too hard. The North is a very lucky area. Take long luxurious soaking baths lots of swimming or hot tubs to relax. Water helps to drain away too much metal energy.

Women’s Issues in 2017

Women can be affected in a variety of ways. The Fire Rooster energy is bringing a cutting off type of energy. Some relationships with female “friends” can be severed. You may choose to sever ties with frenemies who don’t have your best interest at heart, in fact, you may have already experienced this energy. 

Surgery on your mouth or root canals may occur. Problems from the mouth: gossip, people talking about you and temper can erupt. Add water (fountains) to take away the biting sharp energy. Wear blue colors. Blue purse charms, cell phone cover blue. If you are single add blue accents around your house. Drink plenty of water as well for your health.


Watch for Smooth talkers, fraud – men who sound great and sucker you in are also possibilities. Water elements take away the edge of this energy. The potential for jogging injuries exists this year so don’t jog at night. Keep a careful eye on bank accounts and credit card statements as fraud could occur. This is a good year to have the surgery you have been waiting to do.  
Princess Kate Middleton in blue

The Year of Blue

  • To keep relationships happy use blue. 
  • To attract a true blue guy wear blue. 
  • To attract money use a blue purse and wallet
  • Blue is good for money
  • Using a blue handbag will help to keep your relationships happy.
  • Blue will draw sincere relationships to you.

East – Wealth, and Health 

Activate the east with a fountain. The east loves water which will help activate wealth for you. The East is the best area to spend lots of time. Being in the east activates the area. If you have a door in the east use it regularly. 

Water and light are fantastic for the east to activate.
Keep this are well lit. 

Your oldest son may make some advances this year. 

Things To Avoid In The East

The East is not an area for a lot of plants. 
Do not sit with your back to the east.

Protect Small Children From Accidents

2017 is not the year to play rough with small children. Make sure small children are protected with a helmet if they are bike-riding. A potential for broken bones in 2017 exists for small children. Make sure children are well protected from rough sports. 

South East – Future Prosperity 

Add crystals to the southeast to activate the energy of future prosperity. Think about where the growth is and where the future is. 2017 is a good year to plan for future wealth and start saving.

The SE is about future growth which means pregnancy. The southeast corner of the house is the place to be romantic. A female baby could be conceived in this area. If you have savings or investments you can feel a little brave, be careful of taking money out of investments. 

This year is a good year to lose weight. Homemade vegetable soup with cabbage can help you reduce unwanted pounds. Pay close attention to your checking account as losses could occur in this area due to fraud. Watch for sudden and impulsive anger. Pay close attention to small things.

Don’t Offend The Grand Duke Jupiter or Tai Sui 

In Feng Shui, there are benefits and challenges. The Grand Duke Jupiter is the Grand Commander of the year. Each year the direction of The Grand Duke changes.  One of the most serious challenges this year is coming from the east. In Feng Shui, this energy is that of The Grand Duke or Tai Sui

We never want to offend or confront someone in a high position, which The Grand Duke certainly is. We don’t want to be rude or offensive. Turning your back to someone in a high place is very rude. Remember how it feels when someone walks away and turns their back on you when you are in the middle of a conversation. 

Sitting with your back facing the east can cause three serious losses, they are Loss of your name, loss of wealth, and loss through legal issues. Avoid sitting with your back to the east as it can create legal problems misunderstandings. Don’t worry about walking in and out of the house in the east direction, but sitting with your back to the east could create problems that overcome you.

Think about standing with your back to the ocean, you could get hit with a huge wave. Face east and confront your problems rather than turning your back to your problems.

Face east to avoid problems with speeding tickets or legal issues.

Use Your Brain And Watch Your Heart

Your health is the most important thing in your life. Health is wealth. If anything comes up with your heart, heartburn that won’t go away, heart murmurs or palpitations get it checked out. Take heart issues seriously. Get your blood pressure checked regularly. The heart is the organ this year that could cause you some issues, so please take good care by eating a healthy diet and paying attention to signs, rather than ignoring them.

Surgery – This Is The Year To Do It

If you have a mole that needs to be removed, this is the year to do it.

Be careful of children in the east corner of the house. If you have young children be extra cautious with them. 

The pregnancy star is moving to the SouthEast. The SE is the area you want to have your sexual activity if you want to get pregnant.

Water and Colors That Represent Water (blue and black) are important. 

Are you ready to get out of your own way and find love this year? Did you miss my From Tainted To True Love course last year? 

I have some really big surprises for you during this course. Not only will you see where you are blocked about love and relationships, we will get those blocks cleared. Your negative beliefs about potential partners will be dissolved and your fear of love will melt away. This six-week course is a
profound and transformational course that will change the way you feel about love and relationships forever! Beginning on February 1st – this Wednesday you don’t have much time to think just do it! Find the love that has been missing and the right relationship by becoming the best you that you can be!

Visit Jennifer’s website  or book your private discovery session to find out how working with Jennifer will transform your life and world for the better! 

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