By Jennifer Elizabeth Masters
Humans were meant to be partnered. We live longer when we have someone who cares about us and generally we are much happier than those who live alone. It is certainly more fun to have sex with a partner than by ourselves and shopping, eating and doing the mundane are much more enjoyable when we have someone to share our lives with.
Find out about my six-week course to shift core beliefs and patterns about love.
Yet, so many people live alone. Why?
We don’t want to leap.
We block ourselves with our thinking. Do any of these statements sound like you?
- There’s no one out there who would love me
- I’m too old
- I’m not attractive enough
- I’m not intelligent enough
- I don’t want to be hurt again
- I want someone, but it’s too painful to even think about
- It’s too much trouble to date
- I don’t even know what to do or where to start
- What if I get hurt again
- I don’t want to go through another heartache or breakup
- I’m too set in my ways
We focus on what we don’t want rather than what we do want. We keep attracting exactly what we don’t want. I will help you get past those blocks and get out of your own way to feel sacred, loved, appreciated and adored. Yes, it is possible.
Our beliefs stand in our way of having love. If we don’t believe love is possible, we won’t find it. If we feel we are unworthy of love, or unloveable, we won’t have the bravery we need to go for it. We get in our own way.
It isn’t that all the good guys have been taken, or that there are no women left worth having.
Our beliefs stand in our way of having love. If we don’t believe love is possible, we won’t find it. If we feel we are unworthy of love, or unloveable, we won’t have the bravery we need to go for it. We get in our own way.
It isn’t that all the good guys have been taken, or that there are no women left worth having.
- Clear those debilitating beliefs that prevent you from having love
- Understand how your thoughts have created the life you have
- Recognize the red flags and stop explaining them away
- Notice when actions don’t match words
- Don’t settle – you don’t have to
- Find out why we stay with people we shouldn’t and get the tools to prevent repeating this damaging behavior
- You deserve love
- You are loveable
Tainted To True Love begins in May. Go beyond where you have before and take the LEAP to have the love you have been waiting for.
This course is highly beneficial to couples and singles. It will shift your negative thinking about love, your partner or potential partner.
Much Love to you!