How I Overcame Depression, Anxiety, Self-Loathing And Found Happiness and Joy Permanently

By Jennifer Elizabeth Masters


Kobe Bryant, Tiger Woods, Marilyn Monroe, Elle MacPherson and so many other greats all have coaches. They did not get to where they are in life going it alone. You know why? Because it is impossible to see what we are doing for ourselves. Only when another points out what could improve our score, swing, acting, or life can we improve. Everyone needs a coach to improve, including me. I did not get here all by myself. I had masters, teachers, and gurus who taught me everything they knew.

I have recently been captivated by Marilyn Monroe’s story. Born Norma Jean, her mother was taken from her and put into a mental institution. Like my mother, without the love of a mother or father, we develop deep insecurities and even mental instability. In my case, I had a mother, but she was horribly damaged from being an orphan at 5. She could not love unconditionally, praise or support her children in a healthy way. Many of us have had traumatic childhoods. These patterns can be shifted, removed and new patterns created which shift the DNA, permanently. 
Crazed and Chaotic?
How do I know, because I did it? I felt absolutely crazy into my late 30’s. The Early abuse left me damaged, shame-filled, guilt-ridden and broken. I felt shattered and ugly. I had an addictive personality, craving and looking for love through sex, that left me further broken and empty. 
What I have come to know is that parts of our soul shatter like glass when intense situations impact us, that we can’t handle. These soul fragments splinter and fly off into the ethers. Sounds incredible, but it is true. As a result, our chakra system becomes blocked, we develop health issues which plague us until patterns are cleared and removed. I have worked with thousands of traumatized people with PTSD, abuse and other traumas that this is like a miracle for their soul.
Norma Jean had to have help. If it wasn’t anti-depressants, sleeping pills, wake-up pills, she had a team of people who cajoled, encouraged and kept her on track. Without these people, Marilyn would not ever have been the star that she was. They did not help her heal, but they kept her together so that she could do her movies. They told her how to look, talk, stand, walk. Marilyn was far more intelligent than most people remember. She felt broken.

Pain, unhappiness, depression, and suffering don’t have to be a part of your life experience. How do I know? I used to be depressed. For over 20 years I suffered from severe depression, insomnia, irrational fears, body pain, Fibromyalgia an autoimmune disease and chaos in my inner world. I overreacted when people made simple comments and took everything personally. I was a prickly pear, hard to love. I was so blocked and resistant to love because I hated myself. I thought I loved myself, but that was my over-compensating EGO, that helped me (so my ego thought) to feel better. I couldn’t accept love if it was delivered on a silver platter, which many times it was.

I changed my life a little at a time. I took anti-depressants and almost killed myself falling asleep at the wheel while on Prozac. I drove 3 exits past my work before I woke up enough to realize I had gone too far! I stopped taking Prozac because I knew it was killing me. I got off Benadryl when I was able to stop the worry and endless mind chatter. I began to do work I absolutely loved to do, that fulfilled me. In my school days, I was thought to be a slow learner. I always had comments on my report cards, “Can do better.” What changed?
I began to tap into a higher power. I began to hear God’s voice and that of my guides. My higher self also became evident and permanently connected and grounded within me. I meditated regularly. For over 8 years I have meditated twice a day. My mind chatter left when I had the consistent meditation practice. But I had spiritual teachers, gurus and spiritual masters who guided me. I paid big bucks for classes and certifications so that I could heal myself. I have experienced deep states of bliss, called satori which changed me permanently. 
How have I gotten more wise, calm and peaceful? Through consistent hard work and spiritual practice. If an issue came up and I reacted to it, I asked myself tough questions. I looked within for answers. I followed guidance. As each relationship ended, I did personal analytics. I was not afraid to look at my own issues. When men lied to me and cheated on me, I asked myself, “Where do I lie to me? How do I cheat myself?’ It took time, effort and consistency. I sometimes took one step forward and three steps back.
Doing Away With Fear
My fears subsided. All my life I had been incredibly fearful. Suddenly I realized I had no more fear. My deep spiritual connection and love for myself shifted EVERYTHING. I stopped trying to control my children, or anyone else. The truth is when we are where we are we don’t know how to move forward or do something new.
We try to control our environment and others when we are afraid. These fears are usually grounded in the past from a traumatic event which imprinted you with this fear. All fears can be healed. Manipulation is a part of the control. Manipulation is dishonest. It comes from not being authentic, lying about who you are. You are afraid to ask outright for what you want, so you manipulate to get it instead. Believe me, I know, I was the Queen of Manipulators. We can’t possibly be happy when we are inauthentic, controlling or manipulating. All these behaviors lead to a disruption in your energetic field.
Healing All Relationships
My relationship with my mother and everyone else was healed like magic when I stepped into my authentic self and personal power. Instead of being the person others wanted me to be, I became authentically me. I could get my point across with a soft voice, no yelling to be heard or listened to. Without healing your past, you can’t have a happy future. This is what I help others with. Even those who say they have done inner child work or healed relationships with family if you are not living the life of love, joy, and happiness, your relationships have not been healed. It is not possible to live a life of joy and bliss every day when you are holding resentment or anger towards anyone for the past.
If you experience road rage, eruptive or explosive anger, are quick to anger or get upset, you have healing to do. Until you have let go and healed the past, these issues will continue to plague you. For men, you probably had HTTP or premature ejaculation. 
Anger has a purpose. There is a difference between being angry because someone wants to send you videos of themselves masturbating….. or crosses your boundaries in other ways. But that anger subsides quickly. The type of anger I am talking about is seething, or volcanic anger. This type will blow a gasket in your heart or cause cancer in your body. Resentment will do the same thing. Even after cancer surgery, radiation and chemo, if your brain waves and way of thinking have not changed, cancer will return. There has to be a change of behavior for healing to have occurred. If you are still doing the same thing the same way, there has been no healing.
It’s Time
How long have you known your life could be better, but have not been able to do anything about it? I am committed to working with you, I promise to help you improve your life, but you have to do your part. You have daily and weekly work to do. With that commitment, I know I can help you improve your life, shift your thought patterns and focus so that you stop critiquing yourself and others. When you do, you begin to accept yourself as well. 
Have You Done It On Your Own?
I did it on my own. But it took me over 30 years to get there. Each of us has trauma and difficulties in our life. These are put in our lives to spur us on to greatness. Healing your life on your own could take several lifetimes. Tiger Woods, Elle MacPherson, and Marilyn Monroe all had coached for a reason. We need help getting there. 
Traditional therapy keeps you stuck in a paradigm of suffering and repeating your story. It does not move you forward. I know I have done years of it. It did not help me. Repeating your story over again only perpetuates the energy that created it. 
Still not sure? Send me an e-mail with your question. But seriously if you could have done it already, you would have wouldn’t you?

What is dating boot camp?

  • an opportunity to feel loved and accepted so you can get out of your way
  • a weekly group coaching call with like-minded loving souls who are looking for the same thing
  • a way for you to stretch beyond where you have been before with eyes wide-opened
  • a daily surge of beautiful being in the VORTEX of CREATION with Jennifer who is a master manifestor!
  • coaching at a fraction of what it would cost you hourly for four hours a month!
  • an incredible joy, happiness, and peace that will carry you through the week
  • insight into what is happening and how to move beyond your limitations
  • a loving place to ask questions
  • sit in this beautiful fun and joyous place where we laugh at the past and anticipate what is to come with joy rather than fear
  • For singles, couples and those who aren’t certain whether they want a partner or not
  • learn to deepen your relationship and love of self to find a deeper connection with others.
  • Create the life of your dreams by getting out of your way
  • Energy clearings, manifesting, energizing and uplifting
  • an hour of power each week to fill you up, love you and work on your dreams, happiness, self-love and dating issues
From Albert Einstein:

“We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.”

No matter the type of trauma, abuse, addicted, abusive or absent parents, those issues can be overcome. I will lovingly hold your feet to the fire, lift your spirits, raise your vibrations through the different modalities that I have mastered that remove patterns, stuck and trapped emotions that keep you repeating the same things over and over. Until the trapped emotions are removed, you continue broadcasting on the same frequency, attracting more situations you don’t want.
If it isn’t cancer, diabetes, or sciatica that is plaguing you, it could be unhappiness in your relationships. This does not mean you need to dump the person you are with, necessarily, but look at things from a different perspective. Once you begin to shift, your partner will too! It only takes one person to heal a relationship. 
I am committed to helping you grow, shift and refocus so that your life is one that is loving, fulfilling, happy and peaceful. If you saw me 40 years ago, you would never know that this ME, is the same person. Your soul is ready to be polished, sandblasted so that the hurts and emotional baggage is eliminated and no longer running your world. I am so convinced that I can help you that I am offering a no-risk guarantee. If you do your homework consistently and the exercises I give you consistently, I promise that your life will improve. 
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Why You Want To Work With Someone Who Has Been There
There are all sorts of coaches out there who are certified. I have met them in mastermind groups and they are out there selling their products. When I sat down to talk to many of them, I found many have more issues than I did 20 years ago. You want to work with someone that has been there, healed their own lives with a proven track record and is happy in their life. Someone that models the behavior that they teach. Not someone who pays you lip service and does not walk the walk. If you don’t believe me, I’ll give you my mother’s phone number and she will confirm all that I say is true. But you better hurry up, she is 92! 
I am ready to be in your corner to help you co-create a beautiful nurturing, loving joy and peace-filled life you absolutely adore! If you don’t have the relationship you want now or the life you want now, e-mail me. Set up a free strategy session with me and we will get your life party started! Life is a game, you just have to know the rules. I will teach you all I have learned, which has changed my life and so many others! For a limited time, I am accepting new clients. You know the best part, I have a high-end coaching team for my business. Yes, even coaches have someone who supports them to create better programs and be a brighter flame in the world. Coaches shine the light of awareness and help you feel loved when you don’t, we find the good in the chaos and help you see what is working and guide you out of situations that aren’t in your best interest. Hiring a coach makes room for greater happiness and love in all areas of your life. 
We don’t know what we don’t know. Having someone on your side to lift you up when you can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel or find your way to the next best thing, I help you to remember how wonderful you are, locate your greatest gifts so that you can focus on what works, rather than what doesn’t. My loving non-judgment will encourage you to shine brighter than you ever have before.
I committed my life to serving the upliftment of humanity’s consciousness. This is my calling. Allow me to help you find yours. 
With all my love,

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