Oh, how I love Scotland! Each time I closed my eyes in Kundalini Yoga Teacher training this past weekend, I found myself in Scotland. Part of my soul is still there.
Why do I love Scotland so much? Maybe it is the lovely, warm and friendly people who are natural and unaffected. I never met a rude, ornery or unfriendly Scott anywhere!
Clean Air and Grass-Fed Dairy
Maybe it is the fresh air that is pristine, clear that I can breathe deeply into my lungs. Maybe it is the fresh clean water I can drink from the tap like we used to do twenty years ago. Perhaps it is the grass-fed dairy and cream so thick my spoon nearly stands up in it! Yes, I still love dairy! I am one of those. Or maybe it is the sweet, gentle Hairy Coos that the Scotland Highlands are so famous for.

Maybe it is the Standing Stones of Steness, or the Ring of Brodgor that pre-date the pyramids, yes over 4,000 years old!

However, I feel it is more than that.
Unspoiled Beauty
Scotland is unspoiled. The wide-open spaces allow a sinking in, a slowing down while expanding all at the same time. The ancient people knew what they were doing when they selected this beautiful land for their sacred rituals and community gatherings on the equinox and solstice.
Manifesting The Miraculous
Scotland is magical. I just thought of someone and they showed up. We were invited in for tea by several locals and had hours of deep conversation as if we had known one another all our lives.
The Science Behind Travel And Happiness
I have a deep love of this beautiful land and its people. I ate it all from porridge to scones with cream and fresh milled whole meal carrot cake to their amazing fish and chips to mushy peas which were amazing! Food cements memories into our psyche. My best memories are always associated with food and new experiences. Though I love my things, they are less important to me than my adventures while I travel. Scientific research supports this theory that travel makes us happy!
Dr. Gilovich has been researching happiness at Cornell University for over 20 years. Here is how Dr. Gilovich puts it:
“Our experiences are a bigger part of ourselves than our material goods. You can really like your material stuff. You can even think that part of your identity is connected to those things, but nonetheless, they remain separate from you. In contrast, your experiences really are part of you. We are the sum total of our experiences.”
Plan For Your Happy Travel Adventure in 2020 Now!
In conclusion, it is my Intention to have two retreats a year where we use transformational meditation, yoga, and The Akashic Records and experience new lands, sacred sites and the beauty of nature coupled with excellent food.
Mark your calendars for Inverness to Orkney island in May (or June) for only 7 fabulously lucky people in 2020. In September 2020 I am holding a retreat in a villa in Tuscany, Italy with an inground swimming pool, where our dinners are prepared by an Italian family paired with wine if you so choose. E-mail me if you are interested. There will be more details coming.

Do you need assistance with a life-challenge or something you are struggling with? You don’t have to do this alone. Book your free discovery session and let’s get a plan in place to shift your life in powerfully positive ways.