Sitting in the dentist’s chair, gripping the armrests simultaneously eyeing the sharp implements on the nearby console that look like tools of torture I have time to think about what I fear most. The dentist! Yikes, my stomach twists in knots and my underarms begin to sweat.
I would rather visit my gynecologist any day than have someone with their fists in my mouth tugging roughly at my lips and sticking needles into my soft tender gums. Rats! I discovered my headphones were not in my purse. I am without calming Satnam Kaur music to soothe me. “Ah, I’ll use mantras and meditate,” I think to myself.
Meditation Is The Way Out Of Fear
Meditation is the way I’ll get through this event while the dentist pries me off the ceiling, like a cat when it’s about to be put in a tub of water. Claws extended, eye wide! I wondered if anyone has died in the dentist’s chair from a heart that explodes or stops beating?
Fear of the dentist is not uncommon. In fact, 5 – 8% of people have dentophobia and avoid visiting the dentist for this reason.
For some, it is the noise, needles or the idea that they might experience pain. A gagging reflex could be an issue. Or a fear of getting your tongue needled or hit with a wayward drill. The truth is that all fears begin in our minds.
Fears of any kind come from the thoughts we think about a past event or something we imagine could happen. The more we resist doing the thing we fear, the greater the anxiety becomes. I resisted this visit for far too long.
Resistance Creates More Fear
I know these things. I coach and teach others, but I am still a work in progress. I am still in a human body. I turn to the tools I use and teach to my clients. As Dr. Habab leans forward, needle in hand, I breathe in deeply and barely feel the pinch. He pierces my gums eight more times and I barely feel it as I do my mantras slowly my breath to long deep inhalations and equal exhalations. My body relaxes as my mind plays the mantras I know so well.
Mantras Are The Bomb!
I am a Kundalini Teacher/student. I meditate every day. I use my favorite mantra from my days in Boulder, Colorado. The one that helped me become awake. I love this mantra it always brings me into a peaceful, serene state. I blend into the chair and barely notice what the dentist is doing. Before long he is giving me instructions and sending me on my way! What? It’ all over?!?
The fear is gone. The anxiety that played such an important part of delaying me from taking care of myself is over. Another mountain traversed! I smile to myself as I walk out of the office. Thank you, God! I thanked both the dentist and the hygienist and told her she was kind. I appreciated her gentle demeanor. It makes me cry while writing this. Wait till I tell you what I learned about dealing with my Borderline Personality mother this week. What a week it has been.
Our fear is what keeps us stuck in a repeating pattern. You don’t have to stay there and you certainly don’t have to do this alone. Whether it is a business you are trying to get off the ground, a relationship you need guidance with, I am here to empower, cheer and guide you.
As a clear channel, I receive words or movies in my mind from other realms that tell me exactly what is going on unconsciously with you and the others involved. The intuitive guidance I receive is solid quickly cutting to the root of your issues saving you years of therapy. I have helped some people heal addictions in three months and others find their soul mate in weeks. Rather than wasting time on courses that don’t do it for you book your free discovery session right now and move out of the resistance and fear. I’ll love you through it and help you love yourself more along the way.
As a clear channel, I receive words or movies in my mind from other realms that tell me exactly what is going on unconsciously with you and the others involved. The intuitive guidance I receive is solid quickly cutting to the root of your issues saving you years of therapy.
I have helped some people heal addictions in three months and others find their soul mate in weeks. Rather than wasting time on courses that don’t do it for you book your free discovery session right now and move out of the resistance and fear. I’ll love you through it and help you love yourself more along the way.
What Jennifer’s Clients Say About Her
“Your entire course has miraculously changed my life now in God’s divine timing, I finally have met the most special genteel gentleman in my entire life on January 31, 2019! You/your course rocks to the max … as your detailed loving course and depth of “peeling the onion of my life and DNA from birth to re-birth” worked a miracle in my life to erase and replace my past to live and love in the here and now … and it is WOW! God bless YOU to the max and I can’t wait to hear back from YOU!” Patricia
Love, and Light,
★Marilyn Patrice Fleming★,
Lifestyle Refinements Designer / Model / Stylist / Writer / Artist
Certified Master Practitioner
Book Your Session With Jennifer NOW! You know you want to.