Join me in annihilating anxiety in 30-days. When you take my quiz you will be automatically invited to the private Zoom session each Wednesday LIVE. Each session includes teachings and tools to eliminate anxiety and an energy clearing to calm and lift you. You will feel more focused, lighter and calmer than you have in months. The Wednesday session is Live at 5:00 PM PST/ 8:00 PM EST with me and recorded.
Each week I give away prizes, and an opportunity to win 3 free sessions with me. My brand new audiobook has four powerful tracks that heal depression and anxiety. Two people received this new book! Doing the challenge is absolutely FREE!
Each day our focus is on activities that keep us in the present, breathing deeply which calms the nervous system. I go LIVE each day on Facebook with tools and suggestions to calm your anxiety. As the nervous system calms your body begins to feel relaxed rather than tense.
Anxiety is a negative pattern that has developed instead of staying grounded in your body. With a shallow pattern of breathing and an avoidance of the present moment the body and mind react negatively.
What Causes Anxiety?
- focusing on the future
- not being grounded and in your body
- self-hatred
Years ago, I suffered from panic attacks and anxiety. I would lay awake night after night worrying about how I was going to pay my bills, manage my kid’s activities as a single mother, commute to and from Atlanta for work and still be a good mother. My anxiety was so great that my stomach was in knots. My palms sweat and I had terrible insomnia which affected my health. I know what it feels like. What surprised me was how when I began to truly love and accept myself the depression, anxiety, Fibromyalgia and auto-immune disease (Epstein Barr) disappeared!
Take The Depression and Anxiety Quiz
What Helps Reduce Anxiety?
- deep belly breathing which activates the Vagus Nerve
- meditation
- walking barefoot on the earth
- staying present in the moment with thoughts
- loving yourself
- positive thoughts
- mantras repeated at the most auspicious and powerful times
Join this 30-Day Challenge any time and get the help you need for free during the month of June and early July 2019.
Take my depression and anxiety quiz here to get started.
Can’t do this alone? You don’t have to. Book a Free Discovery session with Jennifer and find out what thousands of others have, self-love is the key to happiness and it is nearly impossible to get there on your own. It took Jennifer over thirty years to do it without help. If you have been struggling with health, depression, anxiety, fears, worry and low self-esteem you can get the help you need here.