In a new age, a love emerges that is sacred, kind, considerate, compassionate and understanding. This love doesn’t cheat, lie or steal. This new love doesn’t abandon or betray because their partner loves themselves completely.
Love today must be different than it was twenty years ago.
In The Age Of Aquarius
In the Age of Aquarius, a new kind of love has emerged. It is all-encompassing, tender, unconcerned with what others think. It is fearless and understanding. Strong, yet tender.
In 2014, Orgasm For Life came through. In 2019 five years later the audible of Orgasm For Life arrived. It is time for the Sacredness of Relationship to endure.
No More Secrets!
Secrets have come out of hiding. As you have witnessed in the media those living in the shadows are being called out and charged. Molestation and abuse will end. While a deeper connected love will endure. As more people awaken to this New Age, love has to change as we evolve.
What Has Changed?
- men become more aware of women’s needs
- women become more aware of men’s needs
- We recognize each of us is having our own experience
- we stop being the bitch to our men
- we stop trying to control one another
- fear dissipates and falls away
- we learn to trust ourselves and therefore our partners
- we become more nurturing
- we become more tender toward ourselves and others
- we become softer, more loving
- we allow our partners to express themselves freely as they are
- men stop holding back their tears
- women allow their men to cry and welcome their emotions
- we stop judging each other and ourselves
- we join together instead of fighting each other
- we tell the truth
- we live our best lives
- we honor one another
- we see the beauty in one another
- we respect ourselves and our differences
Orgasm For Life isn’t just an instructional sex book. It is a book about higher consciousness and our ability to live in joy, beauty and orgasmic bliss in each moment.
I Am Truth
When we begin to speak our truth, we also listen to our hearts desires and those of our partner. Open throat chakras are for listening as well as speaking. Once our throat chakras open completely, listening happens easily. Understanding is commonplace.
Growing Together Instead of Apart
Can you imagine a relationship where you commit to grow together? In this Age of Aquarius, our relationships must adopt this new paradigm of growth and evolution to stand the test of time. Even those relationships with our children need to evolve to one of no secrets and a commitment to call one another out on our patterns. Honesty, with compassion, is the result. A love that grows is a love that lasts and stays. Get your copy of Orgasm For Life audible now!
If you are ready to make a commitment to your evolution and joy, living a magical life in this beautiful interactive universe, you don’t have to do it alone. Connect with me in a FREE discovery session to discover the truth about yourself where your inner radiance will begin to glow from the inside out!