Depression and suicide have touched most of us. The subject of depression and suicide is deep and dark. I suffered from depression for more than half of my life. In this radio show, I will give you hope and the ability to recognize the signs of both depression and suicide along with remedies to assist you and your loved ones.
Depression has touched us all in one way or another. Most people know someone that has either committed suicide or had a depressive episode. We are about to look at why it occurs and what causes people to want to take their life. My promise is to leave you with hope for yourself and loved ones. And maybe some tools you can use that bring comfort and support.
Right now with the COVID-19 pandemic, the issues of stress, depression and suicide have increased. “Secondary consequences of social distancing may increase the risk of suicide,” researchers wrote. “It is important to consider changes in a variety of economic, psycho-social, and health-associated risk factors.”
Suicide is already on the rise in the US and globally. The study focused on the increased risk due to added financial stressors. “Suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in the U.S.”
The JAMA Psychiatry study identified these increased risk factors for suicide during the coronavirus crisis:
- Economic stress.
- Social isolation.
- Decreased access to community and religious support.
- Barriers to mental health treatment.
- Illness and medical problems.
- National anxiety.
- Firearm sales.
What Does Depression FEEL LIKE?
Everyone is different. Though most people report not wanting to do normal, everyday tasks. You have reduced energy, you may feel tired, dead inside, numb or listless. You may not care about life, others, or what others say to you. You may have difficulty concentrating or focusing on simple tasks. Your memory may be foggy on entirely absent. My memory improved tremendously after clearing depression programs and anger issues.
What does one feel like that is suicidal? I am sharing this so you know what to look for in loved ones.
There is an overwhelming feeling of no way out. Strong and relentless feelings of despair, hopelessness, and helplessness coupled with a feeling of wanting to die. Someone who is suicidal will think about different ways to make it happen. They may try different techniques on for size. 50% of men choose a gun. Suicidal people also want to talk about how they would kill themselves. Noticing this behavior should never be downplayed. Take it very seriously if someone shares how they would kill themselves. Most people never think of such a thing that are not suicidal themselves.
How prevalent is suicide?
According to Suicidology:
“Similar to 2017 the crude suicide rate of 14.8 is the highest crude rate observed in the United States since 1938 (15.25; 1939 was 14.14). The age-adjusted suicide rate of 14.2 is the highest age-adjusted rate since 1941 (15.0; 1942 was 14.0). World War 1 began in 1941.“
In the last 45 years, suicide rates have increased by 60%
Almost a million people die by suicide globally each year which translates to 16 deaths per 100,000 or a death every 40 seconds. Staggering.
Suicide Statistics In The US
Total Number of Suicides 2018: 48,344
Firearms accounted for 24,432 suicides in 2018 (50.5%)
Total Number of Suicides in 2017: 47,173 an increase over 2018 of 1,171
This translates to one male in the US taking their life every 10.9 minutes and one female every 49.7 minutes.
Suicide is among the three leading causes of death among those aged 15-44 years in some countries, and the second leading cause of death in the 10-24 years age group; these figures do not include suicide attempts which are up to 20 times more frequent than completed suicide.
The highest number of suicides are white elderly males.
The bigger picture though? Why are people so depressed?
For teens, the problem lies in the behavior
- Too much screen time
- Not enough community
- Too much social media
- Bullying at school
- Too much isolation
- Breakups they can’t handle
- Alcohol and drug abuse
- Teens playing too many video games rather than interacting and playing outside. Statistics about Video gameplay show poor school grades and inability to sleep properly. Sleep is a requirement in the production of serotonin. Without enough sleep, depression ensues.
Social media does not replace friendships where you can look one another in the eyes, get a hug or a touch on the shoulder.
Teens lack coping skills to deal with strong emotions when they have them.
Divorce in the home, and feeling emotionally abandoned. You might remember Marie Osmond’s 18year old son Michael committed suicide jumping out an eight-story window from his LA apartment in 2007 after his parents 20-year marriage ended in divorce two years earlier. He explained in a suicide note that he felt like he had no friends and could never fit in. Though he had friends in his apartment at the time of his death. He had battled addictions and life-long depression. He was adopted.
What I have discovered about many people who are adopted, abandonment issues surface that needs to be resolved I coach people through this issue and use energy clearing. Michael’s feeling of never fitting in has to do with the fact that his birth mother gave him up. These programs are totally unconscious meaning we are unaware of how debilitating they are and the overwhelming effect they have on our ability to thrive and feel happy.
What are the signs to watch for in Teenagers?
- helplessness or hopelessness
- Low self-esteem
- Sluggishness (less active)
- Substance abuse
- Spending more time alone (this includes time alone from you as parents and time away from their regular friends)
- A decrease in desire to do things they used to like to do (sports, activities, hobbies)
- Physical ailments (headaches, appetite problems, sleeping problems)
- Problems in school (falling grades, getting into trouble, not paying attention in class)
- Talking about death or suicide (never to be taken lightly)
- Not caring about appearance
- Running away from home
Now let’s get to hope. According to, 80 percent of teens with depression can be successfully treated if they seek the right help.
In my case, due to the fact that I wasn’t protected no matter how I cried for my mother to not leave me with my perpetrator, she continued to ignore my cries. When we cry for help and no one listens we develop learned helplessness. Learned helplessness is when no matter what we do no one helps. We then decide not to bother trying. It can take a lifetime to unravel this baby! Helplessness is one of the undercurrents of suicide.
Of the people, I have worked with that was suicidal I found that the following were part of the programming that led to wanting to take their lives.
Andrea an LA attorney had suffered from depression in her teenage years. Her father shared his plan to commit suicide and then succeeded in doing so. She was helpless to stop her father from taking his life. She blamed herself into her late thirties unconsciously, until it surfaced as suicide. She was certain it was her fault her father committed suicide.
While I was working on Andrea, I could taste the vodka. When I asked if she was drinking she told me yes. She had been drinking all day and for many days.
Alcohol is involved over a quarter of all suicides in the US (approximately 7500 per year). Suicide is 120 times more prevalent among adult alcoholics than in the general population. Alcohol abusers have higher rates of both attempted and completed suicide than non-abusers. More than one-third of suicide victims used alcohol just prior to death.
Alcohol intoxication increases suicide risk up to 90 times, in comparison with abstinence. A tendency to employed alcohol misusers to commit suicide during the weekend has been partly explained by the direct effect of alcohol intoxication. There is evidence that alcohol intoxication predicts the use of more lethal means (e.g. a firearm) in suicide. When intoxicated, people are more likely to attempt suicide using means that have a very low probability of survival.
I recognized how dangerous it was for Andrea as she wasn’t able to stay on the phone with me while I worked on her. She continued to drink. On a side note, it is just as powerful to have an energy clearing done remotely as to be present on Zoom or the phone.
I worked with her to clear the patterns of helplessness, and the trauma of holding onto her father’s secret and feeling responsible as a fourteen-year-old. I had to work rigorously on addictions and self-hatred to release the old patterns. The first session took two-hours. I removed the energy of despair, anger, grief, self-abuse, and severe dark energy. Since that time, Andrea hasn’t attempted to take her life and is back practicing law and thriving.
Another woman I worked with was Siena a young woman in Colorado who attempted 12 times to take her life. She had severely diminished self-esteem. Sexual abuse in her childhood and parents that were emotionally unavailable led to her feeling abandoned and unloved. In one clearing Sierra was free. She is now married and living a happy balanced life.
Energy healing is a powerful way of lifting the dark energy that attaches like a heavy blanket or cloud around the person that makes the subject feel helpless, hopeless, and want to die. A pervasive black and white sense of no-way-out causes people to think there is no other way. There is a refusal to see that there is another way out.
In the darkness of depression, they don’t have the presence of mind to ask for help. It is as if they have no will to do so, no will to live. Without a will to live, there is no sense of thriving or way to even put their hand up to ask. We need to be present enough with our loved ones to recognize the signs.
What Can Lead An Adult To Suicide
- financial pressures
- Friends that die or commit suicide
- Health issues
- Loss of self-worth
- retirement or loss of employment
- A feeling of unworthiness and a lack of purpose to drive or a will to survive
- Divorce – thinking that their marriage would take them to the end of life
- deep disappointment from estrangement from a family member or members and grandchildren
- Lack of community
- Health issues
- Friends that die or commit suicide
What can be done to change the way we feel?
As someone who suffered from depression for decades from issues related to childhood trauma, a narcissistic mother I found the following extremely helpful. Check out my Anxiety and Depression bundle to get help NOW!
Adopt New Healthy Behaviors
- Use positive thinking
- mantras
- meditation
- Kundalini Yoga
- Deep breathing
- daily exercise
- eat a plant-based diet
- let go of people-pleasing
- eliminate the need to control others and the world
White high carbohydrates are what depressed people crave which is the worst thing for them. It becomes a looping program of candida, craving carbs which makes us feel worse.
You can get help immediately. The package I have created will lift the feelings of darkness, depression, guilt, shame, and anger to assist you to begin to live a healthier happier life.
You do not have to do this alone. You can work privately with Jennifer. As a coach she is compassionate, caring, and understanding. Most of the challenges her clients have been resolved in six months. For those looking to achieve enlightenment and self-realization that could be a longer time commitment. If you are ready to commit time, energy and resources to your best life, Book your FREE Discovery session here.
Sexual trauma is Jennifer’s specialty and everything related to success, feeling enough, being able to charge your worth or break the glass ceiling of success. Jennifer helps you break through whatever is stopping you from having vibrant health, successful loving relationships, and a very successful business. Read more about Jennifer on her About Me page.