The Beginner’s Guide to Manifestation eBook
Transmuting Worry 10:21
Recorded in an LA studio and channeled, beautiful loving energy envelops you, lifting, supporting you as you relax and let go. Listening to this audio releases worry so that you can sleep or rest deeply. The Ascended Masters give this audio a thumbs up and a 100% beneficial rating for those with worries, fear, and anxiety. As you listen, you will come to an understanding of what worry actually does for us, nothing positive.
Clear Blocks To Receive 15:11
In this audio, you will feel completely loved and supported. Energy moves in a circle going out and coming back. When we have issues with money and wealth, we have issues receiving. We hold on instead of letting go which allows us to be in the flow. You’ll let go of lack consciousness. Often when we have had a mother who didn’t bond with us, we have a very difficult time receiving love from our partners, friends, and even our children. When we have been hurt deeply we protect our hearts. We may give too much and not allow anything to come back to us. We close our hearts when we’ve been criticized. This audio will transmute these programs and patterns and limiting beliefs so that you are open to receive your infinite abundance, joy, and love!
Hold A Higher Vibration MP3 9:16
Life shows us what we are by reflecting back to us the energy we hold. Raising our vibration allows us to have an easier time of life. Our story of woe keeps us in the past where we drag our past into our present and future. This audio will help you step into the truth of who you are in the light, holding a higher vibration for a better life of joy, love, and happiness.
How To Manifest Miracles MP3 5:22
Infinite opportunities and potential exist in the universe. In this audio, you will discover how to create miracles in your life on a daily basis. You’ll be laughing and feeling joyful by the end of this audio.
Manifestation Mastery MP3 12:36
You’re vibration will rise listening to this audio. Listen often for continued success. You will feel lovingly supported as you learn how to manifest anything you desire. The steps to manifest become easy when you listen often. You will become more positive, relaxed and manifestation comes easier when you feel this way. Jennifer’s passion for teaching how to manifest comes through as you become grounded, completely present and in the flow. The energy of creation flows through you in this audio allowing you easy manifestation as you learn the steps to do so on your own. All the secrets are revealed in this audio so you have the FEELING you need to be able to manifest easily.
Manifesting Made Easy MP3 8:46
Manifesting happens easily when we are grounded in the present and Jennifer helps you get there. You become grounded and connected so that manifestation becomes easy for you. As you breathe deeply you will connect and able to focus. You’ll learn phrases to use to manifest what you want. You have heard the expression, “Ask And It Is Given?” You will discover ways to get yourself into a manifestation place, you will be surprised how you can. You’ll experience very real visions of your manifestation so that you can bring it into reality quickly. It’s already there!
Manifesting Magic Meditation MP3
The Shift Part I MP3 33:35
Fears, worry anxiety, and blocks to abundance clear and lift in this audio. This audio is an energy clearing that releases negativity, darkness and anything that doesn’t serve you so you can shine more brilliantly, your natural radiant self!
The Shift Part II MP3 57:56
Issues to do with giving and receiving are eliminated. All aspects of love, rejection of the self, addictions are a part of this session. Listen with an open mind to release any resistance so that you can release all suffering. Relax and breathe and you will feel relaxed, supported, and loved. You are surrounded with beautiful, loving white light as you are lifted, and limiting beliefs and blocks are lifted.
The Shift Part III MP3 57:30
Your money story is eliminated in this audio. Jennifer surrounds you with loving protective energy and light as you release the past that no longer serves you. A loving state of being opens us to receive. Things will begin to unfold naturally as cords and attachments are cleared. Undeserving, worthiness, and doubt are eliminated. A cascade of miracles prayer completes this audio.
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