By Jennifer Elizabeth Masters
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Please help me get the word about this wise, funny and inspirational Sex Bible! Orgasm For Life on Amazon
I have been asked to write for Digital Romance, an Internet site for dating, romance and love. Here is the link to my article there. Please share and comment on their FaceBook page. Bigger Isn’t Always Better: Digital Romance
Here is another link: How To Wow Her With
Orgasm For Life Book Reviews:
Jennifer E Masters is brilliant in the way that she is able to delve into a subject that we all have interest in, but so often have no logical way to address with depth. Jennifer tells the truth, she tells he private stories, she tells what we need to understand and addresses what so many do not understand. This book is personal, and compelling, and alluring, and extremely intimate. She is bold and brave and confident and she discloses what she has been through, and where she has lacked in this life. It is refreshing to be a part of how authentic she is, and find out how much we can learn from legitimate sexuality and Orgasm For Life. Jennifer was on Voiceamerica/ (Illuminating Now!) on June 18th, 2014, and it is worth listening to the show. She will be on he in August of 2014 as she shares even more about sexuality and the specific details we are all so in need of understanding. This is a must-have book for your collection. Linzi Levinson, Dublin, CA (Radio Host,
Unbelievable insight and straight to the point facts. Jennifer delivers a powerful message that everyone should understand. David Gates, Denver, CO
This book should be a BEST SELLER! It is comprehensive and well researched told with an inspirational and humorous touch that keeps you turning the pages. Guys and ladies, do you want to have more and better sex? Jennifer will teach you how with loving practices of giving and receiving pleasure while loving yourself fearlessly. Bill Laseter, Atlanta, GA
A must read! The Sex Bible for the New Age
A MUST read for anyone interested in improving their sex life; straight women, straight men, Lesbians, homosexual in’s and out’s, transgender and cross dressers; everyone and anyone young and old can and will benefit by reading it!
Jennifer Elizabeth a Masters has created the final word in books about sex; a literal bible explaining in vivid detail everything you ever wanted to know about sex and then some.
You will not be able to put down this heart wrenching, hands on teaching, clearly and easily explanatory and explicit assortment of sexual facts, tips, hints, expose and generally, before now, unknown information…
Get it right now and get started with your improved sexual being; the sex life you’ve been dreaming and fantasizing about all your life…
Sam OrnsteinCanton, GA
Jennifer Elizabeth Masters is an author, hypnotherapist, catalystic and intuitive coach, sex educator and healer. She has insight that is compassionate, refreshing and direct. Want a happier life, filled with passion, joy and vibrance? Give her a call now. (770) 480-5500. Serving the world, men and women, US, Canada, Australia. Phone, Skype.
Email her here: