By Jennifer Elizabeth Masters
I trust my guidance. When I am told go find the road you were on yesterday, I do it. I even said, “I am not sure where it is.” My guides told me “Up the road and on the left.” I did what I was told. Had I not, I never would have saved four little lives. Out there in the desert was a box, with four little two week-old kittens with their eyes stuck shut from dehydration. When they heard my voice, one-by-one they scampered out of the wine box, mewing……..The following is a video I made with these four sweet little kitties on Tuesday, three days after I rescued them. They taught me the value and importance of physical touch.
I even mention it in my book, Orgasm For Life. I talk abut a study done during WWII where infant babies were fed, changed but not touched. The majority of them, even though they were fed, ceased to thrive. Most of them died. Kittens need a mother to rough up their fur, stimulate them to potty and nuzzle their faces, while washing them with her tongue. As adults, we still have tactile needs. We need touch outside of the bedroom to thrive. When the only touch we receive is sex, we don’t feel loved, instead we feel used, like a receptacle for a build up of pressure. That is not love. Love involves nuzzling, massage, stroking, eye gazing. We need to talk face to face, putting our cell phones on silent. Most of us are texting while talking to our loved ones. That is not connecting. That is disconnecting.