By Jennifer Elizabeth Masters
For the last six months, I have spent my Wednesday mornings on WRN radio with Eric Jones, broadcasting across the western United states, Jamaica and Manchester England. Each Wednesday morning we talked to hundreds of people across the world about sex. The burning question in the minds of men AND women is, can women have a G-spot orgasm? Not only is it possible for all women to have an ejaculatory orgasm, but for their own health and prevention of disease – they should!
Experiencing this type of orgasm for our health, prevents cancer and other insidious diseases. A recent episode of Devi Ward, Better Love, Better Sex included an interview with Dr. Paul Tinari. Dr. Tinari lost his life partner through cancer. His loss, led him to research ways that the human body releases toxins. The ejaculatory orgasm is one of the ways for women to do so. Here is the link to this amazing interview: Devi Ward, Better Love Better Sex
Devi Ward is a respected Tantra teacher and sex educator. I will be on her show on September 5th talking about ORGASM FOR LIFE. Women need to be having regular orgasms as often as men. They are certainly capable of having two, three or more to every man’s one. If you are a woman and are not orgasmic, you need to read ORGASM FOR LIFE. This book will help you understand how to get there and teach your partner how to get you there as well.
Dr. Tinari’s premise is that the lymphatic system drains through the skene’s glands where women ejaculate from. Listen to this interview for more information. The link is above.
Jennifer’s book is inspired, passionately written and laugh out loud funny! If you would like a guide that will turn you on, teach you, inspire you and ignite the fires of passion in and out of your bedroom, then this is the book for you. Written from Jennifer’s personal experience and with the addition of hundreds of interviews from men and women, gay and straight, Orgasm For Life will teach you, open your eyes and hearts as well as help you relate better to your partner. With deeper understanding it is Jennifer’s hope that there will be fewer divorces, more sex and deeper intimacy for ALL!
If you have questions, need assistance or just want to talk to Jennifer. Feel free to e-mail her here. She will be glad to connect with you to answer your questions or set up a 20 minute session to discuss your issue.