By Jennifer Elizabeth Masters
I met Jennifer at one of her workshops that a friend recommended to me. At that time I was searching, and wanting some help out of my deep depression and anxiety.
I met Jennifer at one of her workshops that a friend recommended to me. At that time I was searching, and wanting some help out of my deep depression and anxiety.
You want to have someone to share your life with. You know you are ready for love, but can’t seem to find it? Have you been looking through the forest of people out there, but are you unable to see the ONE that causes your heart to flutter, your pulse to quicken or you to KNOW, without a doubt that he (or she) is IT?
Those that have worked with me, know that one of my gifts is helping women get the guy. They may have dated, been married, had relationships in the past that either ended through death or didn’t work out, or weren’t what they wanted. I help you focus on you, get clear, laser focused while re-directing your thinking so that you are open to finding love AND (the key here) open to RECEIVING LOVE. Many women and some men are closed to receiving love. If you are closed to receiving love, you may long for it, but never find it. This gets cleared in the process too.
I have done it, helped women find love with great success. Yes, I have a system that works. I manifest in the moment for myself. My adult children come to me on behalf of friends, asking me to manifest their wishes for them. Here is a link to some of the things I manifested last summer. Since then I asked for a free week in Colorado so my family could all be together at Christmas time. A tall order? Not tall enough for The Universe! It happened.
When family members see the evidence, through their own experience that is proof. My son recently asked me to help his girlfriend get the exact car she wanted, “Mom, do your thing!” My daughter called me yesterday stuck in an icy parking spot in Boulder, Colorado, over 1,100 miles away. I told her to get off the phone and call a friend. While she was occupied, I said a prayer. Within minutes a guy she didn’t know showed up with kitty litter and helped her get out of the spot. She called me back all excited, “Mom, you are amazing, it was like a miracle! It happened so fast!” My family knows this is how I live my life. Some things take a little longer, because there is something that we need to do, or heal before we get the guy or girl.
Here are some of the things you will get from my coaching experience.

Here are some of the things you will get from my coaching experience.
- Happiness. What? Yes, if you do the homework, follow the directions, and stay with the course, you will find happiness. I did, and my clients do.
- Shift your focus because the way you are currently thinking isn’t working for you.
- Focus on you. I help you come to loving acceptance of yourself, so that others will lovingly accept you the way you are. How many relationships have you had where either you tired to fix your partner, or they tried to fix you. This never works out.
- If you keep attracting love that isn’t love, is abusive, lying cheating partners, I help you by clearing those limiting beliefs that are stuck so that you can get into a new groove of receiving a healthy love, that is balanced, accepting and nurturing.
- A better life. There is no doubt that when you work with me your life will improve in all areas. Go to my website and check out the testimonials. Set up a time to talk to me for 30 minutes for free, not everyone is committed to making the changes that will change their lives, but maybe YOU are.