By Jennifer Elizabeth Masters
Many people are hoping for a better year in 2017. In that vain, join me tomorrow for a LIVE and FREE podcast: What To Expect In 2017 ~ New Year’s Day at a new time 12:00 NOON – 1:00 PM Pacific. Sign up here
you will receive the login information two hours prior to the broadcast.
Sign up for my newsletter here to receive the login information and free energy upgrade. The energy is calming, peaceful, healing and grounding.
Each year on New Year’s Eve I perform a burning bowl ceremony. I let go of what I am ready to have out of my life and write a list of what I want to bring in for the new year. If you are interested in doing this powerful ceremony to close out 2016, instructions are in this article: Burning Bowl Ceremony.
Jennifer’s gift is helping people find love. Whether it is self-love, the love of your life, or love within your current relationship or marriage. Jennifer helps you see your relationship through different eyes, without judgment, control, and resentment. If you want to heal your marriage or relationship, Jennifer will help you do it!
This program won’t be facilitated again in 2017. The early bird sign up is until December 31st. The price goes up after the end of the year! Pay in full and receive a $225 session free and a copy of Orgasm For Life a book that will help you understand yourself and the opposite sex better than you ever have before.
2016 has been a year of upheaval, struggle and illness for many. We have witnessed great musicians and actors’ deaths this year, especially since the Mercury Retrograde began. Many people have decided to leave earth to begin their new journey. It is with great sadness we say goodbye to these people who gave us joy, hope, music, laughter, entertainment, and memories.
Many musical icons, actors, and famous legends left us from David Bowie, Glenn Frey, Prince, George Michael, Merle Haggard, Leonard Cohen and Leon Russell. In the last few weeks, Alan Thicke, Carrie Fisher and her mother Debbie Reynolds, Florence Henderson, Gene Wilder and Alan Rickman; the great boxing champ Muhammad Ali; astronaut John Glenn, Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, director Gary Marshall, journalists Morley Safer and Gwen Ifill; comedian Gary Shandling, the former First Lady, Nancy Raegan and Jane Hall, mother of astrologer, Cheney Hall.
Yet the numbers apparently aren’t out of the ordinary. What I feel though is that those that did leave the planet have left us with some deep holes in our hearts. David Bowie and George Michael left quite a dent for my entire family as we all enjoyed their music.

you will receive the login information two hours prior to the broadcast.
Sign up for my newsletter here to receive the login information and free energy upgrade. The energy is calming, peaceful, healing and grounding.
Each year on New Year’s Eve I perform a burning bowl ceremony. I let go of what I am ready to have out of my life and write a list of what I want to bring in for the new year. If you are interested in doing this powerful ceremony to close out 2016, instructions are in this article: Burning Bowl Ceremony.

Join us January 25th, for From Tainted To True Love, a six-week live program that will open you to feel more beautiful, sexy, and the possibility of love. You will receive powerful life-changing mantras that quickly attract love to you. We also go through a very powerful, directed manifestation that gets you laser focused on what you want so that The Universe can bring it to you!
This program won’t be facilitated again in 2017. The early bird sign up is until December 31st. The price goes up after the end of the year! Pay in full and receive a $225 session free and a copy of Orgasm For Life a book that will help you understand yourself and the opposite sex better than you ever have before.