The Menace Of Mercury Retrograde

A hit and run accident, with thousands of dollars in damage, a fire drill out of the blue in the cold! Anger from others, and communication issues cell phone issues, Internet problems. Yup, you’re feeling the Menace of Mercury Retrograde!

This particular Mercury Retrograde ends, Saturday, February 20th. The end of this retrograde has been particularly challenging with broken contracts, missed connections and even some broken hearts.

There is a shadow period at either end. The end of the shadow period is March 13th. Signing contracts during the shadow period is fine, but wait until February 20th to put ink to paper to be safe. Signing contracts during a retrograde period can lead to problems or delays.

Today our building fire alarm went off while I was talking with my son, Adam. I had never experienced an evacuation with pets before. Luckily a neighbor came by at just the right time and helped me carry a cat carrier down the stairs for me.

It really makes you realize what is important when you have little time to leave your home. My only concern was for the living. I took my cats, phone, glasses and Yoda. I considered taking my computer for half a second and decided it wasn’t important enough.

What Is A Mercury Retrograde?

A retrograde period is when the planet (in this case Mercury) appears to slow down and spin in reverse. If you have ever been sitting in a parked car and felt like you were moving when the car beside you did, that is the feeling. Mercury isnt really going backward but appears so. Mercury is the planet that rules communication, travel, computers, technology, traffice, accidents and can often heighten anger.

Free Event Wednesday

It has been a while since I have hosted a live FREE event for you and this is a perfect time to go back to repeat something from the past. Those that attended these live events often fell asleep and felt much lighter afterward.

For those of you that are shut in and looking for communion, compassion, and some love, high energy, to eliminate negativity camaraderie join me tomorrow night for a joy-filled hour and a few surprises for good measure. In the last twenty minutes, you can ask me anything. All you have to do is show up at 6:00 PM MTN. The link is below.

Eliminate The Menace Of Mercury Retrograde

6:00 PM MTN Wednesday February 17th

For those that prefer to call in:

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+16699006833,,83493116554# US (San Jose)
+12532158782,,83493116554# US (Tacoma)

Dial by your location
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
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+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
Meeting ID: 834 9311 6554
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