By Jennifer Elizabeth Masters
Mercury Retrograde energy can be very beneficial for many things. Once you know what the energy can do, using Mercury Retrograde energy can help you retrieve an old relationship so you can renew, re-work, rebuild, and repair. There are rules that you must know about dating during Mercury Retrogrades though and here they are:
- Mercury Retrograde energy is great for bringing people back around to us from the past.
- If you have unfinished business or still have strong feelings for someone you broke up with in the past, this energy can help you renew and rebuild from a different place.
- Do your best to NOT meet anyone new during a Mercury Retrograde as it won’t last, no matter how wonderful it feels.
Fun Facts:
Mercury entered its shadow point December 1st
Mercury turns retrograde December 13, 2023
Mercury turns direct January 1st, 2024
Case Study:
A fellow healer came to me two years ago during a Mercury Retrograde while I was in Colorado for a reading. She had begun to date a man that seemed like her soul mate. In fact, she was absolutely, positively certain they would get married. He seemed perfect!
I explained to her that no matter how he appeared today, once Mercury turned direct she would notice things about him that she didn’t see before.
As soon as the Mercury Retrograde ended, her wonderful man all of a sudden showed signs of philandering and seeing and being attentive to multiple women. The togetherness they experienced during the Mercury Retrograde abruptly ended leaving her shaking her head.
How could something shift so quickly in just three weeks? That is the energy of a Mercury Retrograde.
I am so careful about the way I use this energy. In fact, when my daughter was planning her move this month, we consulted an astrologer to plan the best date of her move. She had to move before the Mercury Retrograde began because if she moved after December 19th, she would end up feeling she moved to the wrong apartment, made a mistake about moving in with a room mate, or would find something wrong with the situation.
There are other things not to do during a Mercury Retrograde, watch for my article on Sunday.
How To Use Mercury Retrograde To Follow Your Heart’s Desire
Jennifer’s gift is helping people find love. Whether it is self-love, the love of your life, or love within your current relationship or marriage. Jennifer helps you see your relationship through different eyes, without judgment, control and resentment. If you want to heal your marriage or relationship, Jennifer will help you do it!
Join me January 25th for From Tainted To True Love, a six-week live program that will open you to feel more beautiful, sexy, and the possibility of love. You will receive powerful life-changing mantras that quickly attract love to you. We also go through a very powerful, directed manifestation that gets you laser focused on what you want so that The Universe can bring it to you!
I won’t be facilitating this program again in 2017. Sign up early, pay in full and receive a $225 session free and a copy of Orgasm For Life a book that will help you understand yourself and the opposite sex better than you ever have before.
Fun Facts:
Mercury entered its shadow point December 1st
Mercury turns retrograde December 13, 2023
Mercury turns direct January 1st, 2024
Case Study:
I am so careful about the way I use this energy. In fact, when my daughter was planning her move this month, we consulted an astrologer to plan the best date of her move. She had to move before the Mercury Retrograde began because if she moved after December 19th, she would end up feeling she moved to the wrong apartment, made a mistake about moving in with a room mate, or would find something wrong with the situation.
There are other things not to do during a Mercury Retrograde, watch for my article on Sunday.
How To Use Mercury Retrograde To Follow Your Heart’s Desire
Jennifer’s gift is helping people find love. Whether it is self-love, the love of your life, or love within your current relationship or marriage. Jennifer helps you see your relationship through different eyes, without judgment, control and resentment. If you want to heal your marriage or relationship, Jennifer will help you do it!
Join me January 25th for From Tainted To True Love, a six-week live program that will open you to feel more beautiful, sexy, and the possibility of love. You will receive powerful life-changing mantras that quickly attract love to you. We also go through a very powerful, directed manifestation that gets you laser focused on what you want so that The Universe can bring it to you!
I won’t be facilitating this program again in 2017. Sign up early, pay in full and receive a $225 session free and a copy of Orgasm For Life a book that will help you understand yourself and the opposite sex better than you ever have before.