Permission Granted
The following is an actual account of the session that occurred with my client, the night before her settlement hearing and the subsequent result. My client gave me permission to tell her story anonymously. For the purposes of this article, I’ll call her Stephanie.
Infidelity Creates Heartbreak
Stephanie initially called me in tears asking if I could get her husband back. I told her I could but when I did she wouldn’t want him. At the time, Stephanie found the information I shared with her hard to believe. but that is exactly what happened. In Stephanie’s first session with me, she found calm, stopped crying for the first time in days and trusted.
As a channel of Divine Guidance, I receive insights, visions, perceptions and truth about situations. In all my sessions I give the information exactly as I receive it. I don’t filter Guidance. What has been revealed to me in over twenty years that I have been channeling is that the Guidance is never ever wrong.
Truth in Guidance
It is strange in these times of lies and manipulation that the information given from God and The Ascended Masters is always true. They never lie.
I must admit when I began seeing a halo around objects in my barn in Alpharetta, in 2003, I didn’t believe “they” (The Ascended Masters and God) could be right all of the time.
These halos taught me that the very tool I needed when I had my landscape business (For Heaven Scapes, Ltd.) was lit up for me, giving me a message of truth. Initially, because I had been lied to and cheated on, I argued with the guidance and halos. I ended up ignoring the guidance and then had to buy another tarp, or machete at Home Depot to finish the job.
After the highlighted “halo” around the very tool needed to complete a job occurred eight times, with complete accuracy, I finally realized they were here to “help,” me and everyone I was associated with. I stopped arguing and began to listen and trust. We have to learn to trust ourselves to receive Divine Guidance. Having been lied to a great deal can make it difficult for us to trust ourselves and our intuition.
Over the course of time, I have discovered that the Guidance for my clients is always spot-on accurate. Always. Those that work with me know this and trust it as I do as well. In fact, one of the reasons a recent client signed up to work with me was due to my connection with The Divine (God, Spirit, Universe) and the energy clearings that I do in private sessions.
Since January 2012, I have not told a lie, not even a white lie. I cannot lie about anything any more. It is part of being self-realized and awakened. Being honest simplifies things. I don’t have to remember what I told to whom, as it is always true. My opinion is another thing. I do my best to keep my opinion out of my sessions and allow the voice of God to be heard clearly.
A Marriage Dissolving
We might be able to get over one affair, and move on in our marriage. However, when it happens repeatedly or multiple times, trust becomes an impossibility. Without trust we cannot share deep intimacy and the marriage (relationship) begins to crumble.
After several years the late nights and old behavior became obvious. The cheating happened again. She knew she had to divorce her husband. Enough was enough!
There were many issues within the marriage besides cheating. He was supported financially by his hard-working wife. He wanted this support to continue beyond the marriage.
The Session With My Client
Going to court can make anyone nervous. Part of the reason for the session the night before the Settlement Conference was to avoid going to trial. If nothing was agreed to by the end of the Settlement Conference a trial could go on for multiple days and reach epic costs, as much as $40,000 per side. My client did not want to have to go to trial. She wanted as much cleared up prior to the conference which I predicted would last nearly five hours.
My Predictions and Guidance
- I predicted that the settlement conference would get messy
- After getting messy (she would be nervous) and it would get better
- I suggested that she not make noises or respond emotionally no matter what was asked or said
- I recommended that she stay grounded and I would clear her for fear, worry and anxiety.
- I guided her to not talk over the judge
- Do not talk over your soon-to-be-ex either
- Write down any questions and wait your turn
- Know what you absolutely do not want
- Know how far you will go to come to an agreement
- Know that the best case is that you will have to pay something
My Client’s Thoughts and Feelings
- She thought the conference would never end
- “I couldn’t have done it without you! When you said it would get messy, it did. Then it got better, just as you predicted. I just stayed quiet and grounded like you recommended. I already knew because I talked to you that I needed to behave even though he didn’t, and I didn’t throw a tantrum.”
- Stephanie didn’t want to have to pay alimony
- He hadn’t been responsible with bills, credit cards etc.
- She had paid off his debt and bills, and supported him the entire marriage
- “I thought this Settlement Conference was never going to end. He was being so unreasonable about his expectations and demands.”
- He was being nit-picky about household items, furniture and wanted a cash settlement to walk away with
- He wanted to win
- She wanted to be done with the marriage and divorced as he had refused to sign papers several times.
- He was not cooperating with the parenting plan for visitation for their children yet wanted to be paid for child support or alimony and anything else he could get his hands on.
The Result
The best part of the entire day was when my client heard the judge say, “I now declare in the State of ___________ a judgment of dissolution!” She got divorced at the end of the Settlement Conference. She had waited a very long time and spent a tremendous amount of time, energy and her hard earned money to hear those words.
After going back and forth for five hours in agony, sitting not knowing, it was over.
I asked if Stephanie trusted the guidance I give? She responded, “I do. The guidance you give me is always on point.”
Stephanie did have to make a concession to get the divorce, which we texted in real time about. I checked in to see if it was beneficial for her to pay off a loan rather than give him cash. It was. She was willing to get a cash advance to end the settlement conference and finally get her divorce, but I advised against it.
The Day After
I was the first person Stephanie called after her divorce was final and the next morning!
“I couldn’t have done it without you.” She said she was able to remain calm because I told her in advance it would work out in her favor. No alimony or child support to pay, either.
I also asked how beneficial it was for her ex to get absolved of any further debt and for her to carry it instead? It was karmically very detrimental for him. He was showing the universe he needed to be carried, even after having cheated multiple times. Good karma for her, bad for him.
If we do not take responsibility for what is ours, the universe will create situations for us to teach us these lessons. Any business endeavor he attempts or relationships down the road would be quite harsh for him. His health could be adversely affected also. Bad karma can show up as health issues, early death or painful diseases.
Help For Life Challenges:
The work I do is different than a psychic reading. The guidance I receive comes from outside of your energy field from the higher realms, God and The Ascended Masters through the Akashic Records. You can book a session with me here: https://JenniferElizabethMasters.as.me/
People see the greatest benefit when they work with me for three to six months or longer. Trauma can take some people years to get over. I have known some to be in therapy for over twenty years and still be suffering. The work I do is energetic and of a high frequency, which speeds up the process if my clients do the inner (shadow) work recommended. I stay out of the way (for the most part) and allow the Divine Guidance to come through.
We need to remember that we are all works in progress. Even though I worked diligently on my past for over thirty-six years, I continue to evolve and grow daily. As new experiences materialize we recognize there is yet another layer of the onion to peel away. Each layer we heal and remove takes us into higher states of consciousness into immense feelings of calm minds, vibrant health, bliss and joy.
Guidance can be utilized for many things. Health issues, relationship issues, eliminating trauma or navigating legal issues. I can also help with relationship issues within a relationship without talking to both parties. Each of us has an aura. Together with another person for example two siblings, or two business partners have what is called a morphogenic field. I can clear the morphogenic field to dissolve issues that are from past lives, or in the subconscious mind.