By Jennifer Elizabeth Masters
Feel that sex is just ho hum? Maybe minus the HUM? If so, you are not alone. I just finished a radio show with Charlotte Howard on the Success and Beauty Show where the listeners are predominantly women. They are bored! Three callers asked how they could get their men to use a different position and do something different in bed. They complained about their partners being tired all the time and not interested in sex.
If you are doing the same ol’ same ol and expecting your woman to be happy, I have news for you. You have to add some excitement. Make it thrilling. Read my book! I have plenty of ideas for different positions, dress up, roll playing (yes I know, it was intentional) erotica to read together and even fantasy ideas to use to make sex exciting again. You have got to wake up and smell the cold coffee.
Listen up men! You need to change it up. Buy my book and get some new moves. Your lady is not happy with you! I am not kidding. Change can be scary. It can also build excitement and anticipation. We like excitement. We like movement and we don’t like sex the same way day after day. If you think that having your woman lie on her back while you do the old hammer and nail move, every time, is exciting, it just isn’t cutting it! You might be enjoying it, but your lady is looking at her watch! Women this goes for you too. If you just want to lie there while your partner does all the work, that doesn’t work either. It takes two to create passion and excitement.

Heat things up in the kitchen! You have a counter, stove, table. Just don’t turn the stove on! Things will heat up quickly enough without that inferno. Within the kitchen there is a refrigerator. You could take out some chocolate sauce and drizzle a little here and there. You know what I’m talking about. Chocolate is not just for breakfast anymore!
Remember what it was like when you were a teenager? You did it in your car, your parent’s basement (well some people did!) It can feel a little naughty to have sex in your car. Even in your garage! The thrill of doing something that feels a little naughty can make regular sex feel a lot more exciting.
Life is short. Make it exciting. Try something new. But practise safe sex, park your car first!
Why You Need To Read Orgasm For Life

From a male friend who is in the middle of reading Orgasm For Life:
A page turner, full of insight, but delivered in such a playful way!” B.L. Atlanta Georgia
“The chapter about oral sex for men is HOT HOT HOT!”
Women are different. What works for one woman might not work at all for another. Women differ from day-to-day because of our cycles, hormones and moods. We can be very difficult to understand. I have written this book in a playful, fun but informative way. I am not afraid of you, or sex or what people think. It is an honest, open look at men and women, relationships and the glue that holds our relationships together. I didn’t say foundation, but I did say GLUE. Without sex, you are just room-mates.
Orgasm For Life is funny, sexy, playful and full of inspirational wisdom. Written from personal experience with lots of stories from real couples, real clients. I interviewed hundreds of couples and singles and shared their experiences.
If you are looking for a wise, sexy book to help you ignite the fire of passion while building intimacy, trust and mutual respect, Orgasm For Life is the book.
Jennifer Elizabeth Masters is a catalystic coach. She is different from other coaches in that she receives Divine guidance, she steps out of the way and does not filter the information she receives. She is authentic, compassionate and funny. She delivers information in such a way that you receive it easily. She seems to know you better than you know yourself. She gets who you are.
Her website is:
If you are looking for a wise, sexy book to help you ignite the fire of passion while building intimacy, trust and mutual respect, Orgasm For Life is the book.
Jennifer Elizabeth Masters is a catalystic coach. She is different from other coaches in that she receives Divine guidance, she steps out of the way and does not filter the information she receives. She is authentic, compassionate and funny. She delivers information in such a way that you receive it easily. She seems to know you better than you know yourself. She gets who you are.
Her website is: