Masturbation is the first sexual encounter for most boys and girls. From the time we are born our sexuality plays a large part of our development.
Why I Recommend Masturbation To Women
40% of women have challenges coming to orgasm through sex. Masturbating helps women understand what feels pleasurable to them. They can experience orgasm through masturbation often for the very first time. Orgasm brings us face to face with our Divinity, as it lights up 80 centers of the brain. Nothing else lights up our brain like an orgasm. We are meant to experience pleasure. Most women don’t understand their bodies, or even what they like or don’t like. Masturbation allows women to get in touch with giving themselves pleasure and seeing what works and what doesn’t.
Loving our bodies, especially our genitals is an acceptance rather than rejection of who we are. Self gratification is a loving, caring act. It is totally natural. Denying sexual urges denies your true self.
Women age because our hormone levels dwindle down to nothing. The simple act of regular sex or masturbation if you don’t have a partner increases production of vital life giving hormones which keep your face and body looking youthful. For this one fact, I recommend sex at least twice a week and masturbation for those who prefer sex alone.
Taking estrogen can cause cervical, ovarian and breast cancer.
Naturally produced of hormones are very different and completely safe.
It has been scientifically proven that people that continue to have sex throughout their lives, on a regular basis (more than once a month) have more productive, happier and longer lives. In fact, a recent study done by Queens University in Belfast, proved that those who have the highest frequency of sex either with themselves or someone else live twice as long as those who do not.
Because people sex is fun! Women who are in sexless marriages (on a starvation diet of sex only once a month or less) are generally cold, disconnected women. They may be resentful, angry or bitchy. All of these personality traits are the genotype for cancer. Case in point (a nameless woman married to one of my brothers 16 years without sex). Needless to say she has had 3 breast cancer surgeries. I rest my case! The added benefit of having regular orgasms is that you prevent yourself from ending up looking like the Queen here. I can’t stress this enough women. If you are so shut down emotionally that you can’t open up enough to be kind to your husbands and love them the way you committed to, what the hell are you doing married anyway???
It is an opportunity to feel vital, loved and beautiful. When someone makes love to you, they are adoring your beautiful body.
Masturbation To Enlightenment
It is not widely known, but there are gurus in India that have achieved enlightenment through masturbation. Each time we have an orgasm we are touching our Divinity and brushing with God. No
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wonder so many people say, “Oh God! Oh God! Oh God! when they are in the throws of ecstasy.
Jennifer Elizabeth Masters became enlightened and self actualized in 2012. She is able to assist you come to a loving acceptance of yourself. When you are committed to your self growth and self discovery, she helps you overcome the following:
- low self esteem
- depression
- apathy
- loneliness
- suicidal tendencies
- chaos
- lack of focus
- living in the past or future
- unhappiness
- sadness
- nervousness
- fears
- health issues
- Fibromyalgia
- Epstein Barr Syndrome
- arthritis
- sexual dysfunction