How To Manifest Your Love Using the 9-9-9-9 Portal Today Through September 18th”

By Jennifer Elizabeth Masters

September is a powerful month of manifesting and transformation. With Mercury in Retrograde, old wounds that haven’t healed are surfacing with a vengeance allowing you to clear karma, resolve old differences and come to completion. 

Can you imagine finally letting go of the oldest of issues and then manifesting what you truly desire? Love and money are on most people’s minds. Don’t miss this opportunity to manifest!

Friday, September 9th a portal opens for powerful manifesting. This day is a rare occasion. 

  • September is the 9th day of the month.
  • September is a 9 Universe month (9+2+1+6=18; 1+8=9)
  • 2016 is a 9 Universal Year (2+0+1+6= 9)
  • September 9th, 2016 is a 9 Universal date (9+9+2+0+1+6=27; 2+7=9)

Get Crystal Clear On Your Desires

Today is a powerful day to write your list of 100 criteria for your new love. What do you want in your relationship? Get laser focused and write down 100 must haves. Once you have written down 100 detailed criteria for your new lover, boil it down to 10 must haves. Then write down 10 drop-dead cannot tolerate items. This is a powerful tool to help you manifest. 

The Universe can’t bring to you what you don’t even know yourself. Knowing both what you want and don’t want is a powerful exercise that will assist you in getting what you want.

Here are some examples of how detailed you need to be:

  1. Spiritually evolved
  2. Has healed issues with parents
  3. Loves himself
  4. Wants to work on full enlightenment as part of our relationship
  5. Interested in healing all past wounding
  6. Outdoorsy
  7. Loves animals
  8. Loves to travel

  9. Adventurous an easy traveler
  10. Healed addictions
  11. Healthy lifestyle
  12. Doesn’t want more children
  13. Loves my children
  14. Loves my animals
  15. Artistic or creative
  16. Altruistic
  17. Generous
  18. Handsome to me
  19. Physically fit
  20. Energetic – matching my level or better
  21. Great sense of humor
  22. Young at heart
  23. Kind
  24. Loving
  25. Accepting
  26. Positive
  27. Nurturing
  28. Likes to cook!
  29. Wants to take care of me

You get the idea. Make this list a complete list of 100. Why? Just do it! You need to be very detailed thinking about table manners, eye color, physical attributes, health, family situations. 100 items get you thinking about everything, rather than limiting yourself.

Get clear on what you desire to create and use my instructions for manifesting your miracle to do so today! You will have one more chance this month on September 18, which will mimic the energy of September 9th in a slightly less but still powerful way. 

The 9 energy will bring your manifestation to fruition in six to twelve months, depending on what you release now and how clear you are.

Letting go of old pain, suffering and wounding and all that doesn’t serve you is best done today. Are you prepared to let go of all that no longer serves you? Let the pain and suffering go. Use the Ho’oponopono Prayer to forgive yourself and the other. Let the wound close and heal for good?

Clear your Karma during the Retrograde!

A Mercury Retrograde is a wonderful time to do a ritual to release old karma.

We are in the final quarter of 2016. Since 2016 is a Universal number 9, we are finishing up old patterns, beliefs, and relationships. Anything that has been resurfacing and lingering needs to be completed. It is time to allow them to go and heal. If we don’t complete the cycle now, we will be dragging this old baggage with us into another nine-year cycle which begins in January.

We are beginning to prepare for a new year in 2017. 2017 is a Universal year 1. The first of a new nine-year cycle. The energy will be totally different. Many situations are coming to fruition to be released during this retrograde period. 

To have a new love, we have to let go of the ties, the hurts, the suffering from the old. We have to open our hearts to allow a vacuum. When we have a void or vacuum, we know what happens, The Universe rushes to fill us back up. The Universe hates voids and vacuums!

Learning To Love Again

The Power of Eclipses In September

On September 1st we experienced a New Moon eclipse in Virgo which initiated all kinds of revelations and maybe even some

Full Moon Eclipse

dramatic changes in your life or business. You may even have experienced some anxiety. I know I had some major changes occur. The second eclipse is a Full Moon eclipse on September 16th, also in Virgo will bring situations to the brink – even a precipice. 

There is more to come hang onto your hats it’s going to be a bumpy ride!

Please note that eclipse energy can have an impact on situations for six months or even a full year after the date that they occur. We also have the fall equinox to look forward to September 21st. Did this post help you? If so, share it with a friend, help this blog go viral! Sharing is Caring! Or join us on FaceBook. 

With Love,

I have created a three-part audio series called: Happiness Jumpstart. Each of the three-part audio lasts an hour giving you the steps you need to take to be happy and clears whatever is keeping you stuck. The three-hour total series is just $33.00 and worth every penny. I give deeply from my heart in this very powerful audio seminar. 

Scroll down the page from the link to the purple tab on the right and it will take you to the Paypal checkout

It also gives you the strategies to get to a place of happiness. Part of being happy is letting go of these negative behaviors that keep you trapped in a paradigm that you don’t enjoy. 

Looking a bigger shift? Work privately with me for three months or more to create a powerful shift in your home, work and relationships. I am happy with me, but I wasn’t always. I will show you the ropes, encourage, uplift and love you through the process. I have had clients tell me that I get them more than people who have known them a lifetime. 

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