12 Ways To Love Yourself Simply And Boost Your Self Esteem

By Jennifer Elizabeth Masters

Self-care is a simple way to boost your self-esteem and help you feel better. When we don’t take care of ourselves, we might make derisive comments about our looks, feel more tired and not be able to be our best for lovers, friends, family, work and our pets. Each small thing we do to take care of ourselves increases our vitality and decreases stress.

The better care we take care of us, the better we feel, the greater our confidence becomes and the more available we are to receive love. Self-care is one of the cornerstones of happiness and self-love.

1. Take a shower. A simple thing, but one that makes you feel so much better for your day. When our self-esteem is low, we tend to put off taking care of ourselves. Take your shower first thing in the morning and feel better all day. 
2. Eat breakfast. Skipping the most important meal of the day will give you fuel to be your best. Eating a healthy meal within two hours of waking up jumpstarts your metabolism and moves your body into action. Rather than putting weight on you will find your weight stabilizes. It’s a win-win!
3. Bullet-proof your coffee.  Your brain needs healthy fats for cognitive skills and memory. Add some butter to your coffee or coconut oil to avoid the crash later in the day.  
4. Get up earlier. Sleeping late can leave you feeling rushed, late and stressed. Give yourself the time you need to be prepared for your day without the added stress. Getting up early will also leave you time to meditate.

5. Meditate. Meditation lowers cortisol in twenty minutes. Meditation will center and ground you help you remember what you need to and give you guidance. You will be surprised at the beautiful, supportive information that flows through when you tap into your higher power. Meditation calms stress and will help your brain and body operate optimally and helps to slow the aging process. 

6. Exercise daily. Exercise boosts your mood and reduces depression. It increases oxygen which helps you have more energy, feeds your cells and helps your body heal. A simple twenty-minute walk can help you restore stress levels, calm your nerves and reduces stiffness in your joints. Our bodies were meant to move every day. If you have a job that requires you to sit all day long, take a walk at lunchtime. Walking can help you resolve problems, as it is a form of moving meditation.

7. Play music you enjoy. Music is a form of therapy. Mozart helps your brain function; old favorites can help you feel happier, and some music will make you want to dance. Music soothes your soul. Play music that your soul loves daily.

8. Dance. Love to dance? You don’t have to go to a club to dance. Dancing is a great form of exercise which also fights inflammation, tones muscles and boosts your mood. 

9. Get your hair done. A haircut or color is a form of self-care. We feel best when we look our best. Take care of your hair it will help you feel better about you.

10. Get to bed early. Staying up late might be fun while it is happening, but it is also a sign of co-dependence. Getting sufficient sleep makes everything better. You will look better, feel in a better mood and your body has a chance to heal when you sleep deeply. 

When my self-esteem was low, I regularly stayed up too late as I wasn’t able to take care of myself. I would get stuck to my sofa watching television and be afraid to move. Getting to bed early is a healthy thing to do and will increase your confidence a little bit more each day.

10. Do your nails. Whether you select a neutral polish or my favorite, purple, doing your nails will make you feel better. Each time you look at your hands, you will think, “Oh how pretty!” Painting your nails gives you a shot in the arm of confidence. 

11. Clean your car inside and out. How much time do you spend in your car, two hours a day, or more? You probably put more in it than you take out. A clean and tidy car will make you feel better about driving to work and your day will go more smoothly when you have a Zen car. 

12. Get a massage, acupuncture or a chiropractic adjustment. Taking care of your body is a way to take care of you. 

Self-care helps you feel better about you. When your mood is in the toilet, do one of the things on the list and see how much better you feel. Taking care of yourself will become part of your healthy new routine of caring for and loving you. The more love you have for yourself, the more love others will have for you as well. Self-care is respectful. Respect your sacred temple and take care of it. 


Looking a bigger shift? Work privately with me for three months or more to create a powerful shift in your home, work and relationships. I am happy with me, but I wasn’t always. I will show you the ropes, encourage, uplift and love you through the process. I have had clients tell me that I “get them” more than people who have known them a lifetime. 

Looking a bigger shift? Work privately with me for three months or more to create a powerful permanent shift in your home, work and relationships. I am happy with me, but I wasn’t always. I will show you the ropes, encourage, uplift and love you through the process. I have had clients tell me that I get them more than people who have known them a lifetime. 

I would love to hear from you. Did this help you, confuse you or cause you to question? E-mail Jennifer here to set up your private discovery session right now! I would love to work with YOU! 

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