The higher our vibration becomes, the more synchronistic events that take place. Sometimes something that appears as a negative isn’t that at all. A series of events on my first day in Ojai illustrates how synchronistic events take place and how a seeming negative becomes guidance for a clear direction.
Moving is a big deal. Packing, clearing out, letting go are all sources of great stress for everyone. Moving is so stressful that it is right at the top of the list of life events that are found to be the most stressful.
- 1. Selling a home, buying a home, or moving.
- 2. High stakes testing.
- 3. Talking to someone you are interested in.
- 4. Starting a new job.
- 5. Becoming the victim of a crime.
- 6. Starting a business.
- 7. Election years.
My commitment was to stay at the horse ranch for five months. I exceeded that commitment by a year. Though I enjoyed living in Newhall with the horses, it was time for me to get to my destination – Ojai. Ojai is a beautiful mission town with a population of approximately 7,500. It has a small town feel, with a seasonal influx of tourists who enjoy the beauty and gentleness of the environment.
The stars aligned and I found a fabulous place with a private pool in an orange grove in an exclusive part of Ojai. It is quiet, off the beaten path just how I like it. My move from the ranch was slow and arduous. In the middle of my move, I heard from a long-time friend in Georgia that a friend had taken his life. The news of someone I loved hitting a wall and feeling there was no way out, when he clearly knew I could help him was disturbing. I headed back to the ranch where my furry family awaited me, expecting to finish the move the following day. It was not to be, I collapsed in exhaustion processing my friend’s death.
When we are met with sad news we have to allow it to move through us, or we end up living like robots. I had long since given up a robotic existence and wasn’t about to ignore that my body was not able to move. I sat still, meditated and mourned the passing of my friend.
Take The Good With The Not So Wonderful
It takes time to process grief. As much as I tried, three days passed without much activity. I slept, I rested and meditated, I looked at all that needed to be done but I could not move forward with the move. The boxes sat, as did the cleaning. Finally, on Saturday five days after my initial move out, I was still sleeping on the couch at the ranch. I had canceled the cleaning lady and was glad I did. I prefer to clean as I move out as it blesses the person energetically. As I clean I pray and say mantras which put positive energy into the woodwork, mirrors, and windows.
Always Allow Extra Time
I had nearly two weeks to get completely moved out and the rest of the cleaning done, even though my heart wanted to be in Ojai, my body wasn’t moving. I allowed my spirit to guide and did not push through as I used to do.

Finally, on Saturday a full five days after the moving truck was returned I was able to run to the Apple store and do a few errands. I woke up on Sunday morning and scrubbed walls, baseboards and did a deep cleaning. I left the place cleaner than when I rented it. I finally packed up the car with as much as I could, loaded blankets into the back seat of my little Honda, added the kennels and then managed to get two of the cats loaded after bashing my forehead on the top of the door header leaving me with a huge goose egg. With my head pounding, the sun was setting behind the mountain as I headed for Ojai. At 9:30 pm, I slowly unloaded a few things including all three cats and Yoda into our new apartment in the middle of an orange grove.
At 6:00 AM, I responded to a text took Yoda out for a quick pee and went back to sleep until nearly noon, which is unheard of for me. My landlord let me know my brand new stove still wasn’t working after discovering a gas leak. Rather than get upset about it, I knew I had to go out for brunch.
When something in our outer world points us in a different direction,
take the hint rather than fight it might lead to something really fun and beneficial!
I asked around and picked the best place in town for breakfast, Lulu’s. I had to wait nearly thirty minutes for a table but knew better than to attempt to go somewhere else, when I knew Lulus’ was where I needed to be. I sat facing the door and the hostess stand. I thanked the hostess for my menu and shared with her that I had just moved to Ojai. She introduced herself as Harmony and asked me did one of my movers have tattoos all over him? I said, “Who Troy? Yes, he did!” Harmony shot me a huge smile and said, “Troy’s my boyfriend! He told me all about you being a healer and writing books.” What an interesting turn of events. I knew I was exactly where I needed to be. The world just got smaller.
Soon after I was seated and given a menu, I watched another single woman enter the restaurant. When Harmony asked, “How many?” She responded, “Just me!” I offered the second chair at my table to her. She quickly accepted.
Sit with a stranger?
I have never met a stranger. I make friends with anyone who isn’t surly or snarly with me. This woman, Vicky was delightful. Of course, we ended up talking about our backgrounds. Vicky’s and mine were quite similar all the way down to our mothers. We laughed at the synchronicity and meaning in our fateful meeting. The conversation flowed from travel to Vicky’s recent retirement to her partner in Ventura where they lived.
Vicky shared her chiropractor’s information and her therapist with me. She gave me her card which had a profound message for me, “Rest is a sacred act.” I have to agree. Rest is what I had been doing for the past five days and I was about to dive deeply into more of it.
When our energy vibrates at a high level we attract what we need to us quickly. The clearer we are the higher we vibrate the faster we manifest. Vicky paid for my breakfast and Harmony dropped a $30.00 gift card off at our table for me to use on my next trip to Lulu’s. I was deeply grateful for all the gifts the universe was bestowing upon me. To heck with cooking! Who needs an oven anyway? I had lived without one for the past fifteen months what was another week or two?
Synchronicity occurs to show us something we need to see or to show us we are on the right path. A series of events may be programmed into our timeline to show us something. In my case, that Ojai is the right place for me if I ever doubted.
Jennifer!!! I am smiling BIG at your stories!!! Thank you so much for sharing. High vibrational beings surprisingly find all sorts of wonderful occurrences, in magical ways! Love you and wish you all the best of good health, bliss and love in this next chapter of your life. You are blessed! Xox. Elisa
Thank you so much! I am delighted with all the amazing occurrences, finding a hairdresser who is fabulous at the local coffee shop when I paid attention to my guidance and went out for coffee! There is so much more happening. I am overwhelmed!
Thank you Elisa!
Much love to you,
Beautiful blog
Bless you for the profound loss of your friend and bless the universe for looking after you
Thank you Mel. I appreciate you so much.
With much love,