None of your problems are caused by the other person. Nope! None of them! I can certainly relate to what you are going through.
Until you understand what is going on, you won’t be happy and you will continue to blame the other person. I know because it happened to me over and over. It is our internal workings of our emotions and unconscious mind that continue to attract a snake when we want a pussy cat.
If your patterns keep repeating over and over. You keep attracting liars, or sirens, cheaters or abusers, the issue is inside.
The good news is that the patterns can be changed. The trapped emotions that continue to play out in your life can be cleared. When you can begin to see how the past is what is playing out in your present, everything shifts. I will give you the tools to use to break through those unconscious fears that are running your life.
It starts by making the conscious choice to change.
The good news is that I have a system for shifting your patterns. I’ll help you recognize what is really going on and why. Once you learn to recognize your patterns you don’t have to allow those unconscious patterns to continue to control and ruin relationship after relationship.
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