Traits of A Narcissistic Mother
- She violates your boundaries
- She demeans, criticizes, and disparages
- She denies
- She’s envious
- She’s competitive (with her children)
- She idealizes her life and position
- She plays favorites
- She needs to be the center of attention
- She manipulates your emotions
- She’s never wrong….. ever
- She’s childish
- She’s shameless
- Aggressive
- Projects
- Blames
- Destroys your relationships
- Self-absorbed
- She lies
- Refuses to accept responsibility
- Undermines
- Makes you look (and feel) crazy
- Narcissists live through their children feeling their children are extensions of themselves (enmeshed)
- Won’t compliment you
- Compares you to friends, or siblings
- Triangulates using siblings against you
- Talks behind your back
- Appears like the ideal mother and homemaker to outsiders
Isn’t She Terrific?
You’ll often hear from neighbors and outsiders at church how wonderful your mother is.
She’ll be quick to tell you that you are fat, or your hair is too long or you look old. She may comment to siblings about how the blush is off the rose, when you flew all night to visit her.
She’ll love to show you off to friends but put you down in private.
If you live out of town, you might be paraded in front of friends and family while exhausted from your long trip, without any regard for your fatigue. Her sense of self-worth comes from what others think of her rather than from inside. She’s usually house proud: her home is spotlessly clean and orderly and her children well dressed.
You don’t have to do this alone. Book your FREE discovery call today with Jennifer and get onto the road of feeling good about yourself and loving your life and relationships!